Body Surface Area Calculator | Total Body Surface Area |
TBSA burns You can quickly estimate the total body surface area of a burn by using the "rule of nines" in adults.In babies and young children, different percentages are used because the ratio of the combined surface area of the head and neck to the surface area of the limbs is typically larger in children than that of an adult(See table below). Burn percentage in adults: Rule of nines A method of estimating the extent of body surface that has been burned in an adult, dividing the body into sections of 9 per cent or multiples of 9 per cent. ![]() Adults
Burn percentage in children and Infants
Rule of palms The surface of the patient's palm represents approximatley 1% of body surface area and is helpful in estimating the area of small burns. Parkland formula The Parkland Formula gives you the calculation you need to know how much fluids to give to patient. V ( fluids volume)= total body surface area of burn (%) x weight (kg) x 4 |