Calorie and Nutrition Search |
Select a measurementAmount gram NDB number:06734 Food Description: Soup, chicken with star-shaped pasta, canned, condensed, single brand NutrirentUnitValue Energykcal50 EnergykJ209 Waterg86.8 Proteing2.3 Total lipid (fat)g1.4 Cholesterolmg4 Carbohydrate, by differenceg7.1 Sugars, totalg0 Fiber, total dietaryg0 Ashg2.4 Calcium, Camg0 Sodium, Namg732 Magnesium, Mgmg0 Iron, Femg0 Zinc, Znmg0 Selenium, Semcg0 Potassium, Kmg0 Copper, Cumg0 Fluoride, Fmcg0 Phosphorus, Pmg0 Manganese, Mnmg0 Vitamin C, total ascorbic acidmg0 Vitamin DIU0 Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)mg0 Vitamin B1 - thiaminemg0 Vitamin B2 -Riboflavinmg0 Vitamin B3 -Niacinmg0 Vitamin B5 -Pantothenic acidmg0 Vitamin B6mg0 Folate, totalmcg0 Folic acidmcg0 Folate, foodmcg0 Folate, DFEmcg_DFE0 Vitamin B12mcg0 Vitamin A, IUIU433 Vitamin A, RAEmcg_RAE0 Retinolmcg0 Vitamin K (phylloquinone)mcg0 Carotene, betamcg260 Carotene, alphamcg0 Cryptoxanthin, betamcg0 Lycopenemcg0 Lutein + zeaxanthinmcg0 Choline, totalmg0 Fatty acids, total saturatedg0.342 4:0g0 6:0g0 8:0g0 10:0g0 12:0g0 16:0g0 18:0g0 20:0g0 Fatty acids, total monounsaturatedg0.546 16:1 undifferentiatedg0 18:1 undifferentiatedg0 20:1g0 22:1 undifferentiatedg0 Fatty acids, total polyunsaturatedg0.303 18:2 undifferentiatedg0 18:3 undifferentiatedg0 18:4g0 20:4 undifferentiatedg0 20:5 n-3 (EPA)g0 22:5 n-3 (DPA)g0 22:6 n-3 (DHA)g0 Tryptophang0 Threonineg0 Isoleucineg0 Leucineg0 Lysineg0 Methionineg0 Cystineg0 Phenylalanineg0 Tyrosineg0 Valineg0 Arginineg0 Histidineg0 Alanineg0 Aspartic acidg0 Glutamic acidg0 Glycineg0 Prolineg0 Serineg0 Hydroxyprolineg0 Alcohol, ethylg0 Caffeinemg0 Theobrominemg0 |
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