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HS Code and Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Canada
Enter either the first part of an HTS category number up to 8 digits or any part of a product description.
HS Code and Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Canada
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MFN Tariff
Applicable Preferential Tariffs
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Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the Canada inquiry: ON
Recent user inquiry:
2/25/2025 13:08
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the Canada inquiry: 闂侀潧顦抽濠勨偓闈涚焸婵$兘鎮滈埡浣轰还闂侀潧顦伴惇褰掑礂閹捐唯闁靛牆妫崑褏绱撻崼銏犘i柡鍡欏枔缁辨﹢宕堕埡鍌氳闂佹悶鍊栧鑽ょ礊閸℃稑围闁糕剝顨忛崥鏃堟煠閺勫繑鐝紒渚垮姂婵¢鐚剧粔鎼憈
2/25/2025 13:08
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the Canada inquiry: +6307.90.99.20++
2/25/2025 13:08
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the Canada inquiry: ÃÂæÃÂïÃÂï
2/25/2025 13:08
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the Canada inquiry: bookcase
2/25/2025 13:08
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the Canada inquiry: 71
2/25/2025 13:08
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the Canada inquiry: bambooéÃÂüçàÃÂÃÂ¥ÃÂÿéÃÂùæÃÂðæâý
2/25/2025 13:08
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the Canada inquiry: Car
2/25/2025 13:08
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the Canada inquiry: ä¹å™¨
2/25/2025 13:08
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the Canada inquiry: 6307.90.98.81
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