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HS Code and Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Canada
HS NoSS Description of Goods Unit of Meas.  MFN Tariff Applicable Preferential Tariffs
8412.90.0020Other engines and motors. - Parts - Of the goods of classification No. 8412.29.00.10 or 8412.39.00.10: - Of the other engines and motors, to be employed in the exploration, discovery, development, maintenance, testing, depletion or production of water, oil or natural gas wells, in mining or quarrying, or in the distillation or recovery of products from natural gas-FreeCCCT, LDCT
8413.70.10 Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a measuring device; liquid elevators. - Other centrifugal pumps - Battery operated, for recreational vehicles and boats; Canned rotor; De-foaming type; Drinking fountain; For food, pharmaceutical or similar applications; For swimming pools; Heat transfer, oil type; Magnetic drive chemical; Milk; Molten metal; Multi-stage single suction, with head over 5,516 kPa; Of a power not exceeding 250 kW, for pulp manufacturing; Portable, engine type, capable of producing a minimum pressure boost of 1,034 kPa, maintaining a flow rate exceeding 700 l/m at that pressure; Solar powered; Submersible slurry, agitator type; Transformer oil circulation pumps; Vertical slurry, of cantilever shaft design, having a pump discharge flange size of a diameter of 50.8 cm or more, for track-laying machines to be employed in mining, recovering and producing crude oil from shales, oil-sands or tar-sands; With speed variators, for the wine and juice making industriesNMBFreeCCCT, LDCT
8413.70.1010Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a measuring device; liquid elevators. - Other centrifugal pumps - Battery operated, for recreational vehicles and boats; Canned rotor; De-foaming type; Drinking fountain; For food, pharmaceutical or similar applications; For swimming pools; Heat transfer, oil type; Magnetic drive chemical; Milk; Molten metal; Multi-stage single suction, with head over 5,516 kPa; Of a power not exceeding 250 kW, for pulp manufacturing; Portable, engine type, capable of producing a minimum pressure boost of 1,034 kPa, maintaining a flow rate exceeding 700 l/m at that pressure; Solar powered; Submersible slurry, agitator type; Transformer oil circulation pumps; Vertical slurry, of cantilever shaft design, having a pump discharge flange size of a diameter of 50.8 cm or more, for track-laying machines to be employed in mining, recovering and producing crude oil from shales, oil-sands or tar-sands; With speed variators, for the wine and juice making industries - Milk pumps: - Milk pumpsNMBFreeCCCT, LDCT
8413.70.1021Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a measuring device; liquid elevators. - Other centrifugal pumps - Battery operated, for recreational vehicles and boats; Canned rotor; De-foaming type; Drinking fountain; For food, pharmaceutical or similar applications; For swimming pools; Heat transfer, oil type; Magnetic drive chemical; Milk; Molten metal; Multi-stage single suction, with head over 5,516 kPa; Of a power not exceeding 250 kW, for pulp manufacturing; Portable, engine type, capable of producing a minimum pressure boost of 1,034 kPa, maintaining a flow rate exceeding 700 l/m at that pressure; Solar powered; Submersible slurry, agitator type; Transformer oil circulation pumps; Vertical slurry, of cantilever shaft design, having a pump discharge flange size of a diameter of 50.8 cm or more, for track-laying machines to be employed in mining, recovering and producing crude oil from shales, oil-sands or tar-sands; With speed variators, for the wine and juice making industries - Multi-stage single suction pumps with head over 5,516 kPa: - To be employed in the exploration, discovery, development, maintenance, testing, depletion or production of water, oil or natural gas wells, in mining or quarrying, or in the distillation or recovery of products from natural gasNMBFreeCCCT, LDCT
8413.70.1029Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a measuring device; liquid elevators. - Other centrifugal pumps - Battery operated, for recreational vehicles and boats; Canned rotor; De-foaming type; Drinking fountain; For food, pharmaceutical or similar applications; For swimming pools; Heat transfer, oil type; Magnetic drive chemical; Milk; Molten metal; Multi-stage single suction, with head over 5,516 kPa; Of a power not exceeding 250 kW, for pulp manufacturing; Portable, engine type, capable of producing a minimum pressure boost of 1,034 kPa, maintaining a flow rate exceeding 700 l/m at that pressure; Solar powered; Submersible slurry, agitator type; Transformer oil circulation pumps; Vertical slurry, of cantilever shaft design, having a pump discharge flange size of a diameter of 50.8 cm or more, for track-laying machines to be employed in mining, recovering and producing crude oil from shales, oil-sands or tar-sands; With speed variators, for the wine and juice making industries - Multi-stage single suction pumps with head over 5,516 kPa: - OtherNMBFreeCCCT, LDCT
8413.70.1090Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a measuring device; liquid elevators. - Other centrifugal pumps - Battery operated, for recreational vehicles and boats; Canned rotor; De-foaming type; Drinking fountain; For food, pharmaceutical or similar applications; For swimming pools; Heat transfer, oil type; Magnetic drive chemical; Milk; Molten metal; Multi-stage single suction, with head over 5,516 kPa; Of a power not exceeding 250 kW, for pulp manufacturing; Portable, engine type, capable of producing a minimum pressure boost of 1,034 kPa, maintaining a flow rate exceeding 700 l/m at that pressure; Solar powered; Submersible slurry, agitator type; Transformer oil circulation pumps; Vertical slurry, of cantilever shaft design, having a pump discharge flange size of a diameter of 50.8 cm or more, for track-laying machines to be employed in mining, recovering and producing crude oil from shales, oil-sands or tar-sands; With speed variators, for the wine and juice making industries - OtherNMBFreeCCCT, LDCT
8413.91.0010Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a measuring device; liquid elevators. - Parts: - Of pumps - Sucker rods, pony rods or polished rods, designed for oilfield related pumps, parts thereof-FreeAUT, NZT,
8413.91.0021Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a measuring device; liquid elevators. - Parts: - Of pumps - Of pumps, fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device: - For dispensing gasoline, diesel fuel, liquid natural gas, liquid propane or fuel oil-FreeAUT, NZT,
8415.82.91 Air conditioning machines, comprising a motor-driven fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, including those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated. - Other: - Other, incorporating a refrigerating unit - Other: - Central station air handlers;Combination terminal units, water source or air to air, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 5.8 kW (19,800 BTU per hour);Fan coil units;For off-highway vehicles;For humidity and dust sensitive areas, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 71.1 kW (242,700 BTU per hour);Single packaged, combination, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 15.8 kW (53,900 BTU per hour);Split-system, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 47.4 kW (161,800 per hour);Water source, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 34.8 kW (118,700 BTU per hour)NMB6%AUT, NZT,
8415.82.9110Air conditioning machines, comprising a motor-driven fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, including those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated. - Other: - Other, incorporating a refrigerating unit - Other: - Central station air handlers;Combination terminal units, water source or air to air, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 5.8 kW (19,800 BTU per hour);Fan coil units;For off-highway vehicles;For humidity and dust sensitive areas, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 71.1 kW (242,700 BTU per hour);Single packaged, combination, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 15.8 kW (53,900 BTU per hour);Split-system, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 47.4 kW (161,800 per hour);Water source, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 34.8 kW (118,700 BTU per hour) - Central station air handlersNMB6%AUT, NZT,
8415.82.9120Air conditioning machines, comprising a motor-driven fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, including those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated. - Other: - Other, incorporating a refrigerating unit - Other: - Central station air handlers;Combination terminal units, water source or air to air, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 5.8 kW (19,800 BTU per hour);Fan coil units;For off-highway vehicles;For humidity and dust sensitive areas, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 71.1 kW (242,700 BTU per hour);Single packaged, combination, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 15.8 kW (53,900 BTU per hour);Split-system, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 47.4 kW (161,800 per hour);Water source, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 34.8 kW (118,700 BTU per hour) - Fan coil unitsNMB6%AUT, NZT,
8419.50.0010Machinery, plant or laboratory equipment, whether or not electrically heated (excluding furnaces, ovens and other equipment of heading 85.14), for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature such as heating, cooking, roasting, distilling, rectifying, sterilizing, pasteurizing, steaming, drying, evaporating, vaporizing, condensing or cooling, other than machinery or plant of a kind used for domestic purposes; instantaneous or storage water heaters, non-electric. - Heat exchange units - Braised aluminum heat exchangers for cryogenic services, to be employed in the exploration, discovery, development, maintenance, testing, depletion or production of water, oil or natural gas wells, in mining or quarrying, or in the distillation or recovery of products from natural gasNMBFreeCCCT, LDCT
8421.23.00 Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus, for liquids or gases. - Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for liquids: - Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion enginesNMBFreeCCCT, LDCT
8421.23.0010Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus, for liquids or gases. - Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for liquids: - Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines - Oil filtersNMBFreeCCCT, LDCT
8421.23.0020Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus, for liquids or gases. - Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for liquids: - Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines - Fuel filtersNMBFreeCCCT, LDCT
8421.23.0090Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus, for liquids or gases. - Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for liquids: - Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines - OtherNMBFreeCCCT, LDCT
8421.29.0010Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus, for liquids or gases. - Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for liquids: - Other - Filter presses, to be employed in the exploration, discovery, development, maintenance, testing, depletion or production of oil or natural gas wellsNMBFreeCCCT, LDCT
9605.00.00 Travel sets for personal toilet, sewing or shoe or clothes cleaning.-6.5%CCCT, LDCT
9605.00.0090Travel sets for personal toilet, sewing or shoe or clothes cleaning. - Other-6.5%CCCT, LDCT
9616.10.0000Scent sprays and similar toilet sprays, and mounts and heads therefor; powder-puffs and pads for the application of cosmetics or toilet preparations.-8.5%CCCT, LDCT
8432.90.0010Agricultural, horticultural or forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivation; lawn or sports-ground rollers. - Parts - Of ploughs-FreeCCCT, LDCT
8432.90.0090Agricultural, horticultural or forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivation; lawn or sports-ground rollers. - Parts - Other-FreeCCCT, LDCT
8430.41.0020Other moving, grading, levelling, scraping, excavating, tamping, compacting, extracting or boring machinery, for earth, minerals or ores; pile-drivers and pile-extractors; snow-ploughs and snow-blowers. - Other boring or sinking machinery: - Self-propelled - Pneumatic mounted percussion type rock drills, for underground use; Stoper drills, with a piston diameter exceeding 8.25 cm, to be employed in the exploration or drilling for oil, natural gas, minerals or water; Pneumatic or electro-hydraulic jumbo drills, mounted on rubber-tired wheels; Cable tool rigs, for drilling water wells, capable of drilling in excess of 381 mNMBFreeCCCT, LDCT
8430.41.0050Other moving, grading, levelling, scraping, excavating, tamping, compacting, extracting or boring machinery, for earth, minerals or ores; pile-drivers and pile-extractors; snow-ploughs and snow-blowers. - Other boring or sinking machinery: - Self-propelled - Drilling or work-over rigs, to be employed in the exploration, discovery, development, maintenance, testing, depletion or production of oil or natural gas wells or potash or rock salt depositsNMBFreeCCCT, LDCT
8430.49.0020Other moving, grading, levelling, scraping, excavating, tamping, compacting, extracting or boring machinery, for earth, minerals or ores; pile-drivers and pile-extractors; snow-ploughs and snow-blowers. - Other boring or sinking machinery: - Other - Pneumatic mounted percussion type rock drills, for underground use; Stoper drills, with a piston diameter exceeding 8.25 cm, to be employed in the exploration or drilling for oil, natural gas, minerals or water; Pneumatic or electro-hydraulic jumbo drills, mounted on rubber-tired wheels; Cable tool rigs, for drilling water wells, capable of drilling in excess of 381 mNMBFreeCCCT, LDCT

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