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IIvegetable products
11products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten
110429Grains of cereals, hulled, pearled, sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked (excl. rolled, flaked, flour, pellets, and oats and maize, and husked and semi- or wholly milled rice and broken rice)
11042985Rye grains, sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked (excl. rolled, flaked, flour, pellets, hulled, pearled, and not otherwise worked than kibbled)
11042989Cereal grains, sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked (excl. barley, oats, maize, wheat and rye, and rolled, flaked, flour, pellets, hulled, pearled, not otherwise worked than kibbled, and semi- or wholly milled rice and broken rice)
11052000Flakes, granules and pellets of potatoes
11061000Flour, meal and powder of peas, beans, lentils and the other dried leguminous vegetables of heading
110630Flour, meal and powder of produce of chapter 8 "Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruits or melons"
11063010Flour, meal and powder of bananas
11063090Flour, meal and powder of produce of chapter 8 "Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruits or melons" (other than bananas)
12oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruit; industrial or medicinal plants; straw and fodder
120510Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds "yielding a fixed oil which has an erucic acid content of
12051010Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds "yielding a fixed oil which has an erucic acid content of
12051090Low erucic rape or colza seeds "yielding a fixed oil which has an erucic acid content of
12059000High erucic rape or colza seeds "yielding a fixed oil which has an erucic acid content of >= 2% and yielding a solid component of glucosinolates of >= 30 micromoles/g", whether or not broken
120600Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken
12060091Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken, shelled or in grey and white striped shell (excl. for sowing)
12060099Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken (excl. for sowing, shelled and in grey and white striped shell)
120799Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, whether or not broken (excl. edible nuts, olives, soya beans, groundnuts, copra, linseed, rape or colza seeds, sunflower seeds, palm nuts and kernels, cotton, castor oil, sesamum, mustard, safflower, melon and poppy seeds)
12079920Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, for sowing (excl. edible nuts, olives, soya beans, groundnuts, copra, linseed, rape or colza seeds, sunflower seeds, palm nuts and kernels, cotton, castor oil, sesamum, mustard, safflower, melon and poppy seeds)
12079991Hemp seeds, whether or not broken (excl. for sowing)
12079996Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, whether or not broken (excl. for sowing and edible nuts, olives, soya beans, groundnuts, copra, linseed, rape or colza seeds, sunflower seeds, palm nuts and kernels, cotton, castor oil, sesamum, mustard, safflower, melon, poppy and hemp seeds)
120925Ryegrass "Lolium multiflorum lam., Lolium perenne L." seed, for sowing
12092510Italian ryegrass, incl. westerwolds "Lolium multiflorum L.", seed for sowing
12092590Perennial ryegrass "Lolium perenne L.", seed for sowing
120929Seeds of forage plants for sowing (excl. of cereals and of sugar beet, alfalfa, clover "Trifolium spp.", fescue, Kentucky blue grass "Poa pratensis L." and ryegrass "Lolium multiflorum lam. and Lolium perenne L.")
12092945Timothy grass seed, vetch seed, seeds of the genus Poa palustris L. and Poa trivialis L., seeds of cocksfoot grass "Dactylis glomerata L.", and seeds of bent grass "Agrostis", for sowing
12092950Lupine seed for sowing
12092960Fodder beet seed "Beta vulgaris var. alba", for sowing
12092980Seeds of forage plants, for sowing (excl. cereals and fodder beet seed "Beta vulgaris var. alba", sugar beet seed, lucerne seed, clover "Trifolium spp." seed, fesque seed, Kentucky blue grass "Poa pratensis L." seed, ryegrass "Lolium multiflorum lam., Lolium perenne L." seed, Timothy grass seed, vetch seed, seeds of the genus Poa palustris L and Poa trivialis L., cocksfoot grass "Dactylis glomerata L." seed, bent grass "Agrostis" seed and lupine seed)
120999Seeds, fruits and spores, for sowing (excl. leguminous vegetables and sweetcorn, coffee, tea, maté and spices, cereals, oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, beets, forage plants, vegetable seeds, and seeds of herbaceous plants cultivated mainly for flowers or used primarily in perfumery, medicaments or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes)
12099910Forest-tree seed for sowing
12099991Seeds of non-herbaceous plants cultivated mainly for flowers, for sowing
12099999Seeds, fruit and spores, for sowing (excl. leguminous vegetables and sweetcorn, coffee, tea, maté and spices, cereals, oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, beets, forage plants, vegetable seeds, forest-tree seeds and seeds of plants cultivated mainly for flowers or used primarily in perfumery, medicaments or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes)

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