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IIvegetable products
07edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers
070700Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled
07070005Cucumbers, fresh or chilled
07070090Fresh or chilled gherkins
07081000Fresh or chilled peas "Pisum sativum", shelled or unshelled
07082000Fresh or chilled beans "Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.", shelled or unshelled
07089000Fresh or chilled leguminous vegetables, shelled or unshelled (excl. peas "Pisum sativum" and beans "Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.")
07092000Fresh or chilled asparagus
07093000Fresh or chilled aubergines "eggplants"
07094000Fresh or chilled celery (excl. celeriac)
07095100Fresh or chilled mushrooms of the genus "Agaricus"
07095200Fresh or chilled mushrooms of the genus Boletus
07095300Fresh or chilled mushrooms of the genus Cantharellus
07095400Fresh or chilled shiitake "Lentinus edodes"
07095500Fresh or chilled matsutake "Tricholoma matsutake, Tricholoma magnivelare, Tricholoma anatolicum, Tricholoma dulciolens, Tricholoma caligatum"
07095600Fresh or chilled truffles "Tuber spp."
07095900Fresh or chilled edible mushrooms and truffles (excl. Agaricus, Boletus, Cantharellus, shiitake, matsutake and Tuber spp.)
070960Fresh or chilled fruits of the genus Capsicum or Pimenta
07096010Fresh or chilled sweet peppers
07096091Fresh or chilled fruits of genus Capsicum for industrial manufacture of capsicin or capsicum oleoresin dyes
07096095Fresh or chilled fruits of genus Capsicum or Pimenta for industrial manufacture of essential oils or resinoids
07096099Fresh or chilled fruits of genus Capsicum or Pimenta (excl. for industrial manufacture of capsicin or capsicum oleoresin dyes, for industrial manufacture of essential oils or resinoids, and sweet peppers)
07097000Fresh or chilled spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach
07099100Fresh or chilled globe artichokes
070992Fresh or chilled olives
07099210Fresh or chilled olives (excl. for oil production)
07099290Fresh or chilled olives for oil production

热门应用:    欧盟海关编码及税率查找:  38160000

