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XItextiles and textile articles
59impregnated, coated, covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile articles of a kind suitable for industrial use
591132Textile fabrics and felts, endless or fitted with linking devices, of a kind used in papermaking or similar machines, e.g. for paper pulp or asbestos-cement, weighing >= 650 g/m2
59113211Woven textile fabrics having a batt layer needled on them, of silk or man-made fibres, endless or fitted with linking devices, of a kind used in papermaking machines, weighing >= 650 g/m2, (for example, press felts)
59113219Textile fabrics and felts, of silk or man-made fibres, endless or fitted with linking devices, of a kind used in papermaking or similar machines, e.g. for paper pulp or asbestos-cement, weighing >= 650 g/m2 (excl. woven fabrics having a batt layer needled on them, press felts)
59113290Textile fabrics and felts, endless or fitted with linking devices, of a kind used in papermaking or similar machines, e.g. for paper pulp or asbestos-cement, weighing >= 650 g/m2 (excl. those of silk or man-made fibres)

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