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IVprepared foodstuffs; beverages, spirits and vinegar; tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes; products, whether or not containing nicotine, intended for inhalation without combustion; other nicotine containing products intended for the intake of nicotine into the human body
22beverages, spirits and vinegar
220421Wine of fresh grapes, incl. fortified wines, and grape must whose fermentation has been arrested by the addition of alcohol, in containers of
22042148Wines produced in Val de Loire, in containers holding
22042171Wines produced in Navarra, in containers holding
22042177Wines produced in Valdepe?as, in containers holding
22042181Varietal white wines without PDO and PGI, produced in EU, in containers holding
22042182Varietal wines without PDO and PGI, produced in EU, in containers holding
Vmineral products
25salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials, lime and cement
250100Salts, incl. table salt and denatured salt, and pure sodium chloride, whether or not in aqueous solution or containing added anti-caking or free-flowing agents; sea water
25010051Salt, denatured or for other industrial uses, incl. refining (excl. for chemical transformation or preservation or preparation of foodstuffs for human or animal consumption)
25174900Granules, chippings and powder, whether or not heat-treated, of travertine, ecaussine, alabaster, basalt, granite, sandstone, porphyry, syenite, lava, gneiss, trachyte and other rocks of heading
26ores, slag and ash
26159000Niobium, tantalum or vanadium ores and concentrates
26179000Ores and concentrates (excl. iron, manganese, copper, nickel, cobalt, aluminium, lead, zinc, tin, chromium, tungsten, uranium, thorium, molybdenum, titanium, niobium, tantalum, vanadium, zirconium, precious-metal or antimony ores and concentrates)
261900Slag, dross, scalings and other waste from the manufacture of iron or steel (excl. granulated slag)
26190095Waste from the manufacture of iron or steel suitable for the extraction of vanadium
26190097Slag, dross, scalings and other waste from the manufacture of iron or steel (excl. granulated slag, waste suitable for the recovery of iron or manganese or extraction of vanadium)
VIproducts of the chemical or allied industries
30pharmaceutical products
300241Vaccines for human medicine
30024110Vaccines against SARS-related coronaviruses "SARS-CoV species", for human medicine
30024190Vaccines for human medicine (excl. vaccines against SARS-related coronaviruses)
30024200Vaccines for veterinary medicine
30024900Toxins, cultures of micro-organisms and similar products, e.g. plasmodia (excl. yeasts and vaccines)
30031000Medicaments containing penicillins or derivatives thereof with a penicillanic acid structure, or streptomycins or derivatives thereof, not in measured doses or put up for retail sale
30032000Medicaments containing antibiotics, not in measured doses or put up for retail sale (excl. medicaments containing penicillins or derivatives thereof with a penicillanic acid structure, or streptomycins or derivatives thereof)
30034900Medicaments containing alkaloids or derivatives thereof, not containing hormones, steroids used as hormones or antibiotics, not in measured doses or put up for retail sale (excl. containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine "INN", norephedrine or their salts)
30039000Medicaments consisting of two or more constituents mixed together for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not in measured doses or put up for retail sale (excl. antibiotics containing hormones or steroids used as hormones, but not containing antibiotics, alkaloids or derivatives thereof, hormones, antibiotics, antimalarial active principles or goods of heading
30041000Medicaments containing penicillins or derivatives thereof with a penicillanic acid structure, or streptomycins or derivatives thereof, put up in measured doses "incl. those for transdermal administration" or in forms or packings for retail sale
30042000Medicaments containing antibiotics, put up in measured doses "incl. those for transdermal administration" or in forms or packings for retail sale (excl. medicaments containing penicillins or derivatives thereof with a penicillanic structure, or streptomycines or derivatives thereof)
30043200Medicaments containing corticosteroid hormones, their derivatives or structural analogues but not antibiotics, put up in measured doses "incl. those for transdermal administration" or in forms or packings for retail sale
30043900Medicaments containing hormones or steroids used as hormones but not antibiotics, put up in measured doses "incl. those for transdermal administration" or in forms or packings for retail sale (excl. medicaments containing insulin or corticosteroid hormones, their derivatives or structural analogues)

热门应用:    欧盟海关编码及税率查找:  38160000

