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Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
In Japan, The 9-digit statistical code consists of 6-digit HS code and 3-digit domestic code, are used for commodity classification in Customs declarations.
Enter either the first part of an HTS category number up to 6 digits or any part of a product description.
Harmonized Tariff Schedule
Statistical code
H.S. code
Domestic code
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Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: /etc/passwd
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2/27/2025 12:23
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 脠录茂驴陆脧碌茂驴陆茂驴陆
2/27/2025 12:23
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 茂驴陆脤驴茂驴陆
2/27/2025 12:22
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: bopp蹇æ¬
2/27/2025 12:22
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥嚄閸洖鍌ㄧ憸宥囧弲闂佺粯鍨煎Λ鍕嵁閵忊茬箚闁靛牆鍊告禍鎯ь渻閵堝骸浜滅紒澶婄仛缁岃鲸绻濋崶銊モ偓鐑芥煕椤垵浜滄繛鍫濊嫰椤啴濡堕崱妯侯槱闂佸憡鐟ラ崯鎾嵁
2/27/2025 12:22
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 闂傚倷绀侀崥瀣箚瀹€鍕獥婵°倕鎳忛崕濠冪箾瀹割喕绨奸柛
2/27/2025 12:22
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: æ¤Â�Ã¥ÂÂ�
2/27/2025 12:22
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: %u5496%u5561
2/27/2025 12:22
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 閻氼偊鍨鹃悙鈹惧亾閺傚柈鑼跺壖娑斿懌鍔夐埀顒傚亹閸斿瀵樺鐐哄灳濠у秲鍔夐埀顒傚亹閸斿绻栭搹蹇涙閻氼偊鍨鹃悙鈺佸Ψ濮樻捇妾伴柍銉㈡寣閵娾懇鍋撻悙鈹惧亾閺傚棌鏁掔涖倖锛曢妸鈶╁亾閻愨晛濡烽悮顐﹀灳閹靛啿濡?
2/27/2025 12:22
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 630239
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