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Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
In Japan, The 9-digit statistical code consists of 6-digit HS code and 3-digit domestic code, are used for commodity classification in Customs declarations.
Enter either the first part of an HTS category number up to 6 digits or any part of a product description.
Harmonized Tariff Schedule
Statistical code
H.S. code
Domestic code
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Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: /etc/passwd
Recent user inquiry:
2/26/2025 05:26
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 兼妫�?绱崇澶�?椤�?版�濡搁垛浜鹃诲璀�?逞�?
2/26/2025 05:26
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 29321200
2/26/2025 05:26
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: ī
2/26/2025 05:26
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 閼存瑨灏冮懘婵嬪灳濞咁厼鍟犻埀顒傚Υ閳垛晛浜鹃柍鈹炬寣閸忋倖宕¢埗鈺佷壕婵炲嫯鍓婚柍銉︻嚔閸嬵喚鐓崗銈嗗础閸″繆鍋撳▍顓炲幗閳锋埃鎳囬埀顒侇嚒椤戠偛鎮介埈璺哄弲閹规せ鎳囬崑鎾村閼存瑩鍨惧В顓炰紕椤冲弲閹规妫岄埀顒侇仾閸忕啿鎸岄埗鈹惧亾濮n剦鍎崥鈶╁煑閸忋倖宕¢埗鈺佷壕閹费嗗壔闁炽儲顕㈤崑顔剧叓閸忋倖宕¢崱蹇婂亾濞咁厼鍟犻埀顒傚Υ閳垛晛浜鹃柍鈹炬寣閸忋倖宕¢埗鈺佷壕閹费嗗壔闁炽儲顕㈤崑
2/26/2025 05:26
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 853610
2/26/2025 05:25
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 閼存瑨灏冮懘娆戭洨閼存绨遍懘娆掑閼存銈奸懘妤宕甸懘妤佺础`閼存銈奸懘妤呯畭
2/26/2025 05:25
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 濠碉紕鍋犻鏍礈濞嗘挸鍋块柦鐔烘暩缁
2/26/2025 05:25
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 鑴ヨ劑鑴欒姦鑴劅
2/26/2025 05:25
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 87082900
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