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Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
In Japan, The 9-digit statistical code consists of 6-digit HS code and 3-digit domestic code, are used for commodity classification in Customs declarations.
Enter either the first part of an HTS category number up to 6 digits or any part of a product description.
Harmonized Tariff Schedule
Statistical code
H.S. code
Domestic code
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Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: /etc/passwd
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2/23/2025 05:36
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: �ô�
2/23/2025 05:36
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 8999
2/23/2025 05:35
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 灯具
2/23/2025 05:35
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 9506390003
2/23/2025 05:35
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 闂傚倷娴囬崑鎰板储瑜旈獮濠傤潨閳ь剙鐣疯ぐ鎺戠畾妞ゎ剦鍓涢崰鎰板箚閺冨牊鏅查柛鈩冪懃鐢箖姊绘担鐟邦嚋缂佽鍊垮畷鎰版偨缁嬭法锛涢梺鐟板⒔缁垶宕愰崼鏇熺厵妞ゆ挾鍠庣粭鎺楁煕閹垮啫寮柡灞炬礃瀵板嫭绻濋崒妤€浜鹃柤濮愬€栫€氭碍绻濋棃娑氬闁哥喐鍨甸湁闁挎繂顦板☉褔鏌涢幙鍐ㄥ闁靛洤瀚伴、姗€鎮滈崶銊︽毎缂傚倷妞掗懗鍫曘€佹繝鍥佸洭顢氶埀顒勫蓟瀹ュ牜妾ㄩ梺鍛婃尰瀹€鎼併€佸鑸垫櫢闁绘ê鍟块崜闈浳旈悩闈涗粶闁诲繑绻堝畷婊勫鐎涙鍘?
2/23/2025 05:35
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 580610
2/23/2025 05:35
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 621420
2/23/2025 05:35
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 未列名的木制品
2/23/2025 05:35
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 39095000
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