2106.90 | 111 | -- Base for non-alcoholic beverage, food supplement with a basis of vitamins and hydrolyzed vegetable protein |
2106.90 | 112 | -- Other |
2106.90 | 119 | - Other |
2106.90 | | (2) Other |
2106.90 | | - Prepared edible fats and oils, containing more than 30% and not more than 70% by weight of those of heading 04.05 |
2106.90 | | -- For the quantity (quota) stipulated by a Cabinet Order, on the basis of 18,977 ton for and in consideration of imported quantity in the preceding fiscal year (April-March), international market situation and other relevant conditions |
2106.90 | 121 | --- The place of origin, New Zealand |
2106.90 | 122 | --- Other |
2106.90 | 123 | -- Other |
2106.90 | | - For "the Pooled Quota of other milk products? |
2106.90 | 124 | -- Base for non-alcoholic beverage, food supplement with a basis of vitamins and hydrolyzed vegetable protein |
2106.90 | 125 | -- Other |
2106.90 | 129 | - Other |
2106.90 | | 2 Other |
2106.90 | | (1) Food preparations containing more than 30% by weight of one of those, rice, wheat including triticale or barley |
2106.90 | | A Containing more than 30% by weight of rice |
22.01 | | Waters, including natural or artificial mineral waters and aerated waters, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter nor flavoured; ice and snow |
2201.90 | 000 | Other |
2106.90 | 517 | - Imported by Japanese Government according to Article 30 of "The Law for Stabilization of Supply-Demand and Price of Staple Food?, imported to be purchased and sold by Japanese Government in response to a joint application by seller to and purchaser from Japanese Government according to Article 31 of the law, imported with certification of Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery according to the Cabinet Order concerning rice and others provided by the Cabinet Order provided in column 3 of paragraph 1 of Article 34 of the law |
2106.90 | 518 | - Other |
2106.90 | | B Other |
2106.90 | | (a) Containing more than 30% by weight of wheat including triticale |
2106.90 | 214 | - Imported by Japanese Government according to Article 42 of "The Law for Stabilization of Supply-Demand and Price of Staple Food?, imported to be purchased and sold by Japanese Government in response to a joint application by seller to and purchaser from Japanese Government according to Article 43 of the law or imported with certification of Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery according to the Cabinet Order concerning wheat and others provided by the Cabinet Order provided in column 3 of paragraph 1 of Article 45 of the law |