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Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
In Japan, The 9-digit statistical code consists of 6-digit HS code and 3-digit domestic code, are used for commodity classification in Customs declarations.
Enter either the first part of an HTS category number up to 6 digits or any part of a product description.
Harmonized Tariff Schedule
Statistical code
H.S. code
Domestic code
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Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: /etc/passwd
Recent user inquiry:
2/28/2025 11:51
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 濞
2/28/2025 11:51
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: night light
2/28/2025 11:51
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 690990
2/28/2025 11:51
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: ι”Ÿζ–€ζ‹·ι”Ÿηš†ζ†‹ζ‹·ι”Ÿζ–€ζ‹·ι”Ÿζ–€ζ‹·
2/28/2025 11:51
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 闂佺厧鐡ㄩ悷鈺呭垂閹灝鎺楊敇閻愭壆纾块柣鐔舵缁€渚€宕i崨鏉戠婵°倐鍋撳ù鐓庡閳ワ妇鈧綆浜滈弳濠囨煃瑜滈崜姘额敋閵忋倕纾绘い鏃囧吹閻d粙鏌涜箛瀣偓鏍х暦閿熺姴
2/28/2025 11:51
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 闁煎瓨鐟ч崐婵嬫嚇濡ゅ應鏀奸柤瀛橆殜濡句即鎳樺▎鎴濃偓婵嬫嚇濡ゅ應鏀奸柤瀛橆殜濡句即鎳樺▎鎾崇伋闁诲繗顕ф导鍕惈闁稿繒鍣ラ崵顐﹀磻椤旀枻绱╅柛瀣靛枤閻擃偊宕楅悤浣告瘒闁稿鍠楅敍鏇㈠磻椤斿墽鍙撻柛蹇曞櫏閸ゎ偊宕戦鏂ょ穿闁稿鍠氶悡顐﹀礂閻曚礁姣囬柛瀣靛枟閿涙洟宕戦鍓у彄闁稿繒鍣ラ崵顐﹀磻椤旀枻绱╅柛瀣靛枤閻擃偊宕楅悤浣告瘒闁稿鍠楅敍鏇㈠磻
2/28/2025 11:51
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: GPS+Tracker
2/28/2025 11:51
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: boat-fruited
2/28/2025 11:51
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 楣跨å°éåç¶éè¬å ç»åå é´ãå¤
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