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Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
In Japan, The 9-digit statistical code consists of 6-digit HS code and 3-digit domestic code, are used for commodity classification in Customs declarations.
Enter either the first part of an HTS category number up to 6 digits or any part of a product description.
Harmonized Tariff Schedule
Statistical code
H.S. code
Domestic code
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2/24/2025 08:59
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: IC
2/24/2025 08:59
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 锟阶硷拷
2/24/2025 08:59
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: ��������ˮ
2/24/2025 08:59
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 鑴欐菠鑴楅簱鑴欑倝鑴楅┐鑴楅檰鑴欑倝鑴楅┐鑴楅檰鑴欑倝鑴楅┐鑴楅檰鑴欑倝鑴楅┐鑴楅檰鑴欑倝鑴楅┐鑴楅檰鑴欑倝鑴楅┐鑴楅檰鑴欓垾鐏诲伄涔呭厽顕稿伄妫靛伄鐭厽顕稿伄妫靛伄鐭啠鈧妴鍋
2/24/2025 08:59
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 381210
2/24/2025 08:59
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 闂佺粯鍑归崑濠囧垂妤e啯鍊烽柍杞扮鍞梺鑲╁帶閹虫挸螞濠靛柈鏃堟偂鎼达絿顔愰梻浣哄仺閸庢煡顢旈埡鍌氼嚤濞撴艾鐏濋崝妤呮煃瑜滈崕鐢典沪閸屾瑥瀵查悘蹇斿劤椤撳吋鎷呴幓鎺嶅闂佸搫鍊稿Λ搴ㄥ磿椤曢崺妞ゆ垟鏅為婊勬交瑜版巻鏍晲閸涱噮娼犲銈嗗姀閸嬫捇鏌曟径鍡樺櫚闁稿鎹侀弫瀣偣閸ャ儱鍔撮柛鐘冲浮閸╂い鎴犲仧閺屽顢氬璺何ㄩ柛灞剧懅閻嫭銇勯弮椤曢亶鎳犵捄渚敨闂佹椿鍙庨崑渚€宕曢閸╂い
2/24/2025 08:58
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 54071010
2/24/2025 08:58
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: cashmere
2/24/2025 08:58
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of Japans inquiry: 项链
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