2007.10 | | Homogenised preparations |
2007.10 | 100 | 1 Containing added sugar |
2007.10 | 200 | 2 Other |
2007.10 | | Other |
2007.91 | | Citrus fruit |
2007.91 | | 1 Jams, fruit jellies and marmalades |
2007.91 | | (1) Containing added sugar |
2007.91 | 111 | - Jams |
2007.91 | 119 | - Fruit jellies and marmalades |
2007.91 | | (2) Other |
2007.91 | 121 | - Jams |
2007.91 | 129 | - Fruit jellies and marmalades |
2007.91 | | 2 Fruit purée and fruit pastes |
2007.91 | 210 | (1) Containing added sugar |
2007.91 | 220 | (2) Other |
2007.99 | | Other |
2007.99 | | 1 Jams and fruit jellies |
2007.99 | | (1) Containing added sugar |
2007.99 | 111 | - Jams |
2007.99 | 119 | - Fruit jellies |
2007.99 | | (2) Other |
2007.99 | 121 | - Jams |
2007.99 | 129 | - Fruit jellies |