
美国HTS 编码(美国海关关税编码)  
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通常 特别
0708.20.2005Yard-long beans (Vigna unguiculata subsp., Sesquipedalis)kg
0709.60Fruits of the genus Capsicum (peppers) or of the genus Pimenta (e.g., allspice):
0710.22Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.):
0710.80.9724In containers each holding more than 1.4 kgkg
0711.20.1800Described in additional U.S. note 5 to this chapter and entered pursuant to its provisionskg3.7¢/kg on drained weightFree (A*,AU,BH,CA, CL,E, IL,J,JO,MX, MA,P,SG)7.4¢/kg on drained weight
0712.31Mushrooms, wood ears (Auricularia spp.), jelly fungi (Tremella spp.) and truffles:
0712.32.0000Wood ears (Auricularia spp.)kg8.3%Free (A,AU,BH,CA, CL,E,IL,J,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)35%
0712.33.0000Jelly fungi (Tremella spp.)kg8.3%Free (A,AU,BH,CA, CL,E,IL,J,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)35%
0713.31Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.):
0713.31Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper or Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek:
0713.50Broad beans (Vicia faba var. major) and horse beans (Vicia faba var. equina and Vicia faba var. minor):
0802.12.0000Shelled Hazelnuts or filberts (Corylus spp.):kg24¢/kgFree (A+,AU,BH, CA,D,E,IL,J,JO, MA,MX,P,SG,CL)40.8¢/kg
0802.40.0000Chestnuts (Castanea spp.)kgFreeFree
0804.10.2000Packed in units weighing (with the immediate container, if any) not more than 4.6 kgkg13.2¢/kgFree (A+,AU,BH, CA,D,E,IL,J, JO,MA,MX,P,SG) 6.6¢/kg (CL)16.5¢/kg
0804.20.4000In immediate containers weighing with their contents over 0.5 kg eachkg7.9¢/kgFree (A+,AU,BH, CA,D,E,IL,J,JO, MA,MX,P,SG,CL)11¢/kg
0811.10.0020In immediate containers each holding not more than 1.2 literskg
0811.10.0050In immediate containers each holding more than 1.2 liters:
0904Pepper of the genus Piper; dried or crushed or ground fruits of the genus Capsicum (peppers) or of the genus Pimenta (e.g., allspice):
0910.99.2000Origanum (Lippia spp.):
1001.90.2011Having a specified protein content not exceeding 12.9% by weightkg
1001.90.2012Having a specified protein content exceeding 12.9% but not exceeding 13.3% by weightkg
1001.90.2013Having a specified protein content exceeding 13.3% but not exceeding 13.6% by weightkg
1001.90.2014Having a specified protein content exceeding 13.6% but not exceeding 13.9% by weightkg
1001.90.2016Having a specified protein content exceeding 13.9% but not exceeding 14.2% by weightkg
1001.90.2019Having a specified protein content exceeding 14.2% by weightkg


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