
美国HTS 编码(美国海关关税编码)  
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HTS 编码后 缀 商品描述 数量单位 完税税率
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通常 特别
7410.11.0000Not backed:
7607Aluminum foil (whether or not printed, or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials) of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.2 mm:
7607.11Not backed:
7804.11.0000Sheets, strip and foil of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.2 mmkg2.2%Free (A,AU,BH,CA, CL,E,IL,J,JO, MA,MX, P,SG)45%
8007.00.3100Tin foil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials), of a thickness (excluding any backing) not exceeding 0.2 mmkg3%Free (A,AU,BH,CA, CL,E,IL,J,JO, MA,MX, P,SG)35%
8422.40.11Machines for packaging pipe tobacco; machines for wrapping candy; machines for wrapping cigarette packages; and combination candy cutting and wrapping machinesFree35%
8422.90.2100Of machines for packaging pipe tobacco, wrapping candy or wrapping cigarette packages, and of combination candy cutting and wrapping machinesXFree35%
8429.52.10Backhoes, shovels, clamshells and draglinesFree35%
8429.59.10Backhoes, shovels, clamshells and draglinesFree35%
8431.49.9005Backhoe attachmentsNo.
8431.49.9035Parts of backhoes, shovels, clamshells and draglines:
8478Machinery for preparing or making up tobacco, not specified or included elsewhere in this chapter; parts thereof:
9111.90.5000Bezels, backs and centersNo.1.6¢/each + 6.8%Free (A+,AU,BH, CA,CL,D,E,IL,, J,J+,JO,MA, MX,P,R,SG)10¢/each + 45%
9401.79.0005With textile covered cushions or textile seating or backingmaterial:
9401.80.4005With textile covered cushions or textile seating or backing material:
9504.90.6000Chess, checkers, parchisi, backgammon, darts and other games played on boards of a special design, all the foregoing games and parts there- of (including their boards); mah-jong and dom- inoes; any of the foregoing games in combi- nation with each other, or with other games, packaged together as a unit in immediate con- tainers of atype used in retail sales; poker chips and diceXFree40%
9801.00.7000Aircraft exported from the United States with benefit of drawback or heading 9813.00.05XA duty equal to the duty upon the importation of like articles not previously exported, but in no case in excess of the sum of (a) any customs drawback proved to have been allowed upon such exportation, and (b) the duty which would have been payable on anFree (AU,BH,CA, CL,IL,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)A duty equal to the duty upon the importation of like articles not previously exported, but in no case in excess of the sum of (a) any customs drawback proved to have been allowed upon such exportation, and (b) the duty which would have b
9801.00.9000Animals, domesticated, straying across the boundary line into any foreign country, or driven across such boundary line by the owner for temporary pasturage purpose only, together with their offspring; all the foregoing if brought back to the United States within 8 monthsNo.FreeFree
9804.00.25Not over 50 cigars, or 200 cigarettes, or 2 kilograms of smoking tobacco or a proportionate amount of each, and not over 1 liter of alcoholic beverages, when brought in by an adult nonresident for his own consumptionFreeFree
9804.00.80Articles (including not over 50 cigars, or 300 cigarettes, or 2 kilograms of smoking tobacco or a proportionate amount of each, and not over 1 liter of alcoholic beverages), reasonable and appropriate, and intended exclusively, for the bona fide personal use of, and (except for articles consumed in use) to be taken out of the United States by, any person arriving in the United States who is leaving a vessel, vehicle or aircraft, engaged in international traffic, on which he is employed, with the intention of resuming such employmentFreeFree
9805.00.50The personal and household effects (with such limitation on the importation of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe) of any person in the service of the United States who returns to the United States upon the termination of assignment to extended duty (as defined in regulations issued in connection with this provision) at a post or station outside the customs territory of the United States, or of returning members of his family who have resided with him at such post or station, or of any person evacuated to the United States under Government orders or instructionsFreeFree
9811.00.40Samples of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes (each sample consisting of not more than (a) 3 cigars, (b) 3 cigarettes, (c) 3.5 grams of tobacco, (d) 3.5 grams of snuff, (e) 3 cigarette tubes or (f) 25 cigarette papers) to be used in the United States only for soliciting orders by persons importing tobacco products, cigarette papers or cigarette tubes in commercial quantitiesFreeFree


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