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4901.99.0050Technical, scientific and professional booksNo.
4902.90.1000Newspaper supplements printed by a gravure processNo.Free25%
4902.90.2040Other business and professional journals and periodicals (including single issues tied together for shipping purposes)No.
4905Maps and hydrographic or similar charts of all kinds, including atlases, wall maps, topographical plans and globes, printed:
4906.00.0000Plans and drawings for architectural, engineering, industrial, commercial, topographical or similar purposes, being originals drawn by hand; handwritten texts; photographic reproductions on sensitized paper and carbon copies of the foregoingkgFree25%
4910.00.2000Printed on paper or paperboard in whole or in part by a lithographic process:
4911.10.0020Printed catalogs relating principally to current offers for the sale of United States productsNo.
4911.10.0040Printed catalogs, price lists or trade notices, relating to offers, by a person whose principal place of business or bonafide residence is in a foreign country, to sell or rent products of a foreign country or to furnish foreign or international transportation or commercial insurance servicesNo.
4911.91.1500Suitable for use in the production of articles of heading 4901kgFreeFree
4911.99.6000Printed on paper in whole or in part by a lithographic processkgFree66¢/kg + 0.4%
5002.00.0000Raw silk (not thrown)kgFreeFree
5004.00.0000Silk yarn (other than yarn spun from silk waste) not put up for retail salekgFree40%
5005.00.00Yarn spun from silk waste, not put up for retail saleFree50%
5006.00Silk yarn and yarn spun from silk waste, put up for retail sale; silkworm gut:
5101.11.1000Unimproved wool; other wool, not finer than 46s:
5101.11.2000Unimproved wool; other wool, not finer than 40scy kg kgFree55.1¢/clean kg
5101.19.1000Unimproved wool; other wool, not finer than 46s:
5101.19.2000Unimproved wool; other wool, not finer than 40scy kg kgFree55.1¢/clean kg
5101.21.1000Not processed in any manner beyond the degreased condition:
5101.21.1000Unimproved wool; other wool, not finer than 46s:
5101.21.1500Unimproved wool; other wool, not finer than 40scy kg kgFree59.5¢/clean kg
5101.21.6500Unimproved wool; other wool, not finer than 46s.kgFree81.6¢/kg + 20%
5101.29.1000Not processed in any manner beyond the degreased condition:
5101.29.1000Unimproved wool; other wool, not finer than 46s:
5101.29.1500Unimproved wool; other wool, not finer than 40scy kg kgFree59.6¢/clean kg


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