
美国HTS 编码(美国海关关税编码)  
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1 2
通常 特别
7207.20.0045Having a width measuring at least four times the thicknesskg
7218.91.0015Having a width less than four times the thick- ness:
7218.91.0060Having a width at least four times the thick- nesskg
7224.90.0055Having a width at least four times the thicknesskg
7224.90.0015Having a width less than four times the thicknesskg
7224.90.0025Having a width at least four times the thicknesskg
7224.90.0045Having a width less than four times the thicknesskg
7314.12.3000Fourdrinier wires, seamed or not seamed, suitable for use in papermaking machines:
7314.14.3000Fourdrinier wires, seamed or not seamed, suitable for use in papermaking machines:
7419.99.0300Fourdrinier wires, seamed or not seamed, suitable for use in paper- making machines, with 94 or more wires to the lineal centimeterm2 kgFree75%
7419.99.0660Fourdrinier wires, seamed or not seamed, suitable for use in paper- making machines, with fewer than 94 or more wires to the lineal centimeterm2 kg
9819.15.24Of the fourth fabric or yarn which the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined is produced in beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries in commercial quantities for use by lesser-developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries, and specified in a notice published in the Federal RegisterFree


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