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9504.90.6000Chess, checkers, parchisi, backgammon, darts and other games played on boards of a special design, all the foregoing games and parts there- of (including their boards); mah-jong and dom- inoes; any of the foregoing games in combi- nation with each other, or with other games, packaged together as a unit in immediate con- tainers of atype used in retail sales; poker chips and diceXFree40%
9608Ball point pens; felt tipped and other porous-tipped pens and markers; fountain pens, stylograph pens and other pens; duplicating styli; propelling or sliding pencils (for ex- ample, mechanical pencils); pen-holders, pencil-holders and similar holders; parts (including caps and clips) of the foregoing articles, other than those of heading 9609:
9608.50.0000Sets of articles from two or more of the subheadings 9608.10, 9608.20, 9608.31, 9608.39 or 9608.40No.The rate appli- cable to each article in the absence of this subhead ingFree (A+,AU,BH, CA,CL,D,E,IL,J, JO,MA,MX, P,SG)The rate applicable, to each article in the ab- sence of this sub- heading
9609.20Pencil leads, black or colored:
9701Paintings, drawings and pastels, executed entirely by hand, other than drawings of heading 4906 and other than hand- painted or hand-decorated manufactured articles; collages and similar decorative plaques; all the foregoing framed or not framed:
9801.00.1012Articles returned temporarily for repair, alteration, processing or the like, the foregoing to be reexportedX
9801.00.65Rendition of geophysical or contracting services in connection with the exploration for, or the extraction or development of, natural resources Articles previously exported from the United States which¢/except for U.S. note 1 of this subchapter杦ould qualify for free entry under one of the foregoing items and are not otherwise free of duty:FreeFree
9801.00.9000Animals, domesticated, straying across the boundary line into any foreign country, or driven across such boundary line by the owner for temporary pasturage purpose only, together with their offspring; all the foregoing if brought back to the United States within 8 monthsNo.FreeFree
9803.00.50Substantial containers and holders, if products of the United States (including shooks and staves of United States production when returned as boxes or barrels containing merchandise), or if of foreign production and previously imported and duty (if any) thereon paid, or if of a class specified by the Secretary of the Treasury as instruments of international traffic, repair components for containers of foreign production which are instruments of international traffic, and accessories and equipment for such containers, whether the accessories and equipment are imported with a container to be reexported separately or with another container, or imported separately to be reexported with a containerFreeFree
9804.00.05Articles imported by or for the account of any person arriving in the United States from a foreign country:
9804.00.15Articles by or for the account of any person emigrating from a foreign country to the United States:
9804.00.20Wearing apparel, articles of personal adornment, toilet articles and similar personal effects; all the foregoing, if actually owned by and in the possession of such person abroad at the time of or prior to his departure for the United States, and if appropriate for his own personal use and intended only for such use and not for any other person nor for saleFreeFree
9804.00.30Not exceeding $100 in value of articles (not including alcoholic beverages and cigarettes but including not more than 100 cigars) accompanying such person to be disposed of by him as bona fide gifts, if such person has not claimed an exemption under this subheading 9804.00.30 within the 6 months immediately preceding his arrival and he intends to remain in the United States for not less than 72 hoursFreeFree
9804.00.35Automobiles, trailers, aircraft, motorcycles, bicycles, baby carriages, boats, horse-drawn conveyances, horses and similar means of transportation, and the usual equipment accompanying the foregoing; any of the foregoing imported in connection with the arrival of such person and to be used in the United States only for the transportation of such person, his family and guests, and such incidental carriage of articles as may be appropriate to his personal use of the conveyanceFreeFree
9804.00.40Not exceeding $200 in value of articles (including not more than 4 liters of alcoholic beverages) accompanying such a person who is in transit to a place outside United States customs territory and who will take the articles with him to such placeFreeFree
9804.00.50Articles of metal (including medals, trophies and prizes), bestowed upon him abroad, as honorary distinctions, by foreign countries or citizens of foreign countriesFreeFree
9804.00.65Articles, accompanying a person, not over $800 in aggregate fair retail value in the country of acquisition, including (but only in the case of an individual who has attained the age of 21) not more than 1 liter of alcoholic beverages and including not more than 200 cigarettes and 100 cigarsFreeFree
9804.00.70Articles whether or not accompanying a person, not over $1600 in aggregate fair market value in the country of acquisition, including: (a) but only in the case of an individual who has attained the age of 21, not more than 5 liters of alcoholic beverages, not more than 1 liter of which shall have been acquired elsewhere than in American Samoa, Guam or the Virgin Islands of the United States, and not more than 4 liters of which shall have been produced elsewhere than in such insular possessions, and (b) not more than 1,000 cigarettes, not more than 200 of which shall have been acquired elsewhere than in such insular possessions, and not more than 100 cigars, if such person arrives directly or indirectly from such insular possessions, not more than $800 of which shall have been acquired elsewhere than in such insular possessions (but this subheading does not permit the entry of articles not accompanying a person which were acquired elsewhere than in such insular possessions)FreeFree
9804.00.72Articles whether or not accompanying a person, not over $800 in aggregate fair market value in the country of acquisition, including¢/(a) but only in the case of an individual who has attained the age of 21, not more than 1 liter of alcoholic beverages or not more than 2 liters if at least one liter is the product of one or more beneficiary countries, and (b) not more than 200 cigarettes, and not more than 100 cigars, if such person arrives directly from a beneficiary country (but this item does not permit the entry of articles not accompanying a person which were acquired elsewhere than in beneficiary countries)FreeFree
9806.00.05Upon the request of the Department of State, ambassadors, ministers, charge d'affaires, secretaries, counselors, attaches and other representatives, officers and employees of foreign governments, accredited to the United States or en route to or from other countries to which accredited, and their immediate families, suites and servantsFreeFree
9806.00.10Upon the request of the Department of State, diplomatic couriers of foreign governmentsFreeFree
9806.00.15Upon the request of the Department of State, representatives of foreign governments in or to, and officers and employees of, organizations designated by the President of the United States as public international organizations pursuant to section 1 of the International Organizations Immunities Act (22 U.S.C. 288), and their immediate families, suites and servantsFreeFree
9806.00.20Persons on duty in the United States as members of the armed forces of any foreign country and their immediate familiesFreeFree
9806.00.25Upon the request of the Department of State, persons designated by the Department of State as high officials of foreign governments or distinguished foreign visitors and their immediate familiesFreeFree
9806.00.35Upon the request of the Department of State, personal effects and equipment of groups or delegations of foreign residents arriving in the United States on goodwill visits of short duration to participate in patriotic celebrations, festivals and other demonstrations of public interest and which will be exported or destroyed at the conclusion of the visitFreeFree


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