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9804.00.15Professional books, implements, instruments and tools of trade, occupation or employment (not including theatrical scenery, properties or apparel, and not including articles for use in any manufacturing establishment, for any other person or for sale), owned and used by him abroadFreeFree
9804.00.20Wearing apparel, articles of personal adornment, toilet articles and similar personal effects; all the foregoing, if actually owned by and in the possession of such person abroad at the time of or prior to his departure for the United States, and if appropriate for his own personal use and intended only for such use and not for any other person nor for saleFreeFree
9806.00.05Upon the request of the Department of State, ambassadors, ministers, charge d'affaires, secretaries, counselors, attaches and other representatives, officers and employees of foreign governments, accredited to the United States or en route to or from other countries to which accredited, and their immediate families, suites and servantsFreeFree
9806.00.35Upon the request of the Department of State, personal effects and equipment of groups or delegations of foreign residents arriving in the United States on goodwill visits of short duration to participate in patriotic celebrations, festivals and other demonstrations of public interest and which will be exported or destroyed at the conclusion of the visitFreeFree
9806.00.50Upon the request of the Department of State, other representatives, officers and employees of foreign governmentsFreeFree
9808.00.6000Plants, seeds and all other material for plantingXFreeFree
9809.00.10Public documents, whether or not in the form of microfilm, microfiches, or similar film media (including exposed and developed motion picture and other films, recorded video tapes and sound recordings) issued essentially at the instance and expense of a foreign government, of a political subdivision of a foreign country or of an international organization the membership of which includes two or more foreign countriesFreeFree
9809.00.20Upon the request of the Department of State, office supplies and equipment and other articles for the official use of representatives of foreign governments or of personnel of public international organizations, on duty in the United StatesFreeFree
9809.00.40Upon the request of the Department of State, articles (other than communications satellites and parts thereof) which are the property of a foreign government or of a public international organization:
9810.00.0500Drawings, engravings, etchings, lithographs, woodcuts, sound recordings, recorded video tapes and photographic and other prints, all the foregoing whether bound or unbound, and exposed photographic films (including motion-picture films) whether or not developedXFreeFree
9810.00.3000Articles imported for the use of any public library, any other public institution or any nonprofit institution established for educational, scientific, literary or philosophical purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts:
9810.00.3000Drawings and plans, reproductions thereof, engravings, etchings, lithographs, woodcuts, globes, sound recordings, recorded video tapes and photographic and other prints, all the foregoing whether bound or unbound, and exposed photographic films (including motion-picture films) whether or not developedXFreeFree
9810.00.3500Letters, numbers, and other symbols; number cards and other arithmetical materials; printed matter; blocks and other dimensional shapes; geometrical figures, plane or solid; geographical globes; tuned bells and basic materials for understanding music; model articles and figures of animate objects; puzzles and games; flags; dressing frames; dummy clocks; bottles, boxes, and other containers or holders; all the foregoing, whether or not in sets, fabricated to specification and designed for the classroom instruction of children; and containers or holders fabricated to specification and designed for the storage of such instructional articles when not in useXFreeThe rate applicable in the absence of this subheading
9811.00.20Alcoholic beverage samples (each sample containing not more than 300 milliliters if a malt beverage, not more than 150 milliliters if a wine and not more than 100 milliliters if any other alcoholic beverage) to be used in the United States only for soliciting orders by persons importing alcoholic beverages in commercial quantitiesFreeFree
9811.00.60Any sample (except samples covered by heading 9811.00.20 or 9811.00.40), valued not over $1 each, or marked, torn, perforated or otherwise treated so that it is unsuitable for sale or for use otherwise than as a sample, to be used in the United States only for soliciting orders for products of foreign countriesFreeFree
9813.00.35Automobiles, motorcycles, bicycles, airplanes, airships, balloons, boats, racing shells and similar vehicles and craft, and the usual equipment of the foregoing; all the foregoing which are brought temporarily into the United States by nonresidents for the purpose of taking part in races or other specific contestsFree, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 1 to this subchapterFree (AU,BH,CA, CL,IL,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)Free, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 1 to this subchapter
9813.00.40Locomotives and other railroad equipment brought temporarily into the United States for use in clearing obstructions, fighting fires or making emergency repairs on railroads within the United States, or for use in transportation otherwise than in international traffic when the Secretary of the Treasury finds that the temporary use of foreign railroad equipment is necessary to meet an emergencyFree, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 1 to this subchapterFree (AU,BH,CA, CL,IL,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)Free, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 1 to this subchapter
9813.00.45Containers for compressed gases, filled or empty, and containers or other articles in use for covering or holding merchandise (including personal or household effects) during transportation and suitable for reuse for that purposeFree, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 1 to this subchapterFree (AU,BH,CA, CL,IL,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)Free, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 1 to this subchapter
9814.00.5000Tea, tea waste and tea siftings and sweepings, all the foregoing to be used solely for manufacturing theine, caffeine or other chemical products whereby the identity and character of the original material is entirely destroyed or changedXFree, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 1 to this subchapterFree (AU,BH,CA, CL,IL,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)Free, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 1 to this subchapter
9815.00.2000Products of American fisheries (including fish, shellfish and other marine animals, spermaceti and marine animal oils), which have not been landed in a foreign country, or which, if so landed, have been landed solely for transshipment without change in conditionkgFreeFree
9815.00.4000Fish (except cod, cusk, haddock, hake, mackerel, pollock and swordfish), the product of American fisheries, landed in a foreign country and there processed by removal of heads, viscera or fins, or by chilling or freezing, or by any combination of these processes, but not otherwise processedkgFreeFree
9816.00.20Articles for personal or household use, or as bona fide gifts, not imported for the account of another person, valued in the aggregate at not over $1,000 fair retail value in the country of acquisition, if the person claiming the benefit of subheading 9816.00.20 or 9816.00.40, or both, has not received the benefits thereof within the 30 days immediately preceding his arrival:
9817.00.9080Other Articles specially designed or adapted for the use or benefit of the blind or other physically or mentally handicapped persons; parts and accessories (except parts and accessories of braces and artificial limb prosthetics) that are specially designed or adapted for use in the foregoing articles:


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