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9820.11.33Apparel articles sewn or otherwise assembled in one or more such countries with thread formed in the United States, the foregoing (i) from components cut in the United States and in one or more such countries from fabric wholly formed in the United States from yarns wholly formed in the United States (including fabrics not formed from yarns, if such fabrics are classifiable under heading 5602 or 5603 of the tariff schedule), or (ii) from components knit-to-shape in the United States and one or more such countries from yarns wholly formed in the United States, or (iii) from any combination of two or more of the foregoing knitting-to-shape or cutting operations, under the terms of U.S. note 2(a) to this subchapterFree
9821.01.01Articles imported from a designated ATPDEA beneficiary country enumerated in U.S. note 1(a) to this subchapter:
9821.11.01Apparel articles sewn or otherwise assembled in one or more such countries, or the United States, or both, exclusively from any of the following:
9821.11.01Fabrics or fabric components wholly formed, or components knit-to-shape, in the United States, from yarns wholly formed in the United States or in one or more such countries (including fabrics not formed from yarns, if such fabrics are classifiable in heading 5602 or 5603 of the tariff schedule and are formed in the United States), provided that, if such apparel articles are assembled from knitted or crocheted fabrics or from woven fabrics, all dyeing, printing and finishing of the fabrics is carried out in the United StatesFree
9821.11.04Fabrics or fabric components formed or compo- nents knit-to-shape in one or more such countries, from yarns wholly formed in one or more such countries, if such fabrics (including fabrics not formed from yarns, if such fabrics are classifiable in heading 5602 or 5603 of the tariff schedule and are formed in one or more such countries) or components are in chief value of llama, alpaca or vicu馻Free
9821.11.07Fabrics or yarns, provided that such apparel articles of such fabrics or yarns would be considered an originating good under the terms of general note 12(t) to the tariff schedule without regardto the source of the fabric or yarn if such apparel article had been imported from the territory of Canada or the territory of Mexico directly into the customs territory of the United StatesFree
9821.11.13Combinations of fabrics, fabric components, knit-to-shape components or yarns described in two or more subheadings from 9821.11.01 through 9821.11.10, inclusiveFree
9821.11.22Textile luggage assembled in one or more such countries from fabric cut in one or more such countries from fabric wholly formed in the United States from yarns wholly formed in the United StatesFree
9821.11.25Apparel articles sewn or otherwise assembled in one or more such countries from fabrics or from fabric components formed or from components knit-to-shape in one or more such countries, from yarns wholly formed inthe United States or in one or more such countries (including fabrics not formed from yarns, if such fabrics are classifiable in heading 5602 or 5603 of the tariff schedule and are formed in one or more such countries); the foregoing apparel articles imported under the terms of U.S. note 3(d) and U.S. note 3(e) to this subchapterFree
9822.02.02Imports from Chile, in an aggregate annual quantity not to exceed 1,000,000 SME, of cotton or man-made fiber fabric goods provided for in subdivision (a) of U.S. note 4 to this subchapter that are wholly formed in Chile from yarn produced or obtained outside the territory of Chile or of the United States or in subdivision (b) of U.S. note 4 to this subchapter that are wholly formed in Chile from yarn spun in the territory of Chile or of the United States from fiber produced or obtained outside the territory of Chile or of the United StatesFree (CL)
9822.02.03Imports from Chile, in an aggregate annual quantity not to exceed 1,000,000 SME, of cotton or man-made fiber apparel goods or apparel goods subject to cotton or man-made fiber restraints provided for in U.S. note 5 to this subchapter that are both cut (or knit to shape) and sewn or otherwise assembled in Chile from fabric or yarn produced or obtained outside the territory of Chile or of the United StatesFree (CL)
9822.05.10Textile and apparel goods of chapters 61 through 63 described in U.S. note 22 to this subchapter and entered pursuant to its provisionsA duty upon the full value of the imported article less the value of fabrics, components or materials of the United States (see U.S. note 22 of this subchapter)


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