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9801.00.8500Professional books, implements, instruments, and tools of trade, occupation, or employment, when returned to the United States after having been exported for use temporarily abroad, if imported by or for the account of the person who exported such itemsXFreeFree
9804.00.10Professional books, implements, instruments and tools of trade, occupation or employment, which have been taken abroad by him or for his accountFreeFree
9804.00.15Professional books, implements, instruments and tools of trade, occupation or employment (not including theatrical scenery, properties or apparel, and not including articles for use in any manufacturing establishment, for any other person or for sale), owned and used by him abroadFreeFree
9804.00.80Articles (including not over 50 cigars, or 300 cigarettes, or 2 kilograms of smoking tobacco or a proportionate amount of each, and not over 1 liter of alcoholic beverages), reasonable and appropriate, and intended exclusively, for the bona fide personal use of, and (except for articles consumed in use) to be taken out of the United States by, any person arriving in the United States who is leaving a vessel, vehicle or aircraft, engaged in international traffic, on which he is employed, with the intention of resuming such employmentFreeFree
9806.00.05Upon the request of the Department of State, ambassadors, ministers, charge d'affaires, secretaries, counselors, attaches and other representatives, officers and employees of foreign governments, accredited to the United States or en route to or from other countries to which accredited, and their immediate families, suites and servantsFreeFree
9806.00.15Upon the request of the Department of State, representatives of foreign governments in or to, and officers and employees of, organizations designated by the President of the United States as public international organizations pursuant to section 1 of the International Organizations Immunities Act (22 U.S.C. 288), and their immediate families, suites and servantsFreeFree
9806.00.50Upon the request of the Department of State, other representatives, officers and employees of foreign governmentsFreeFree
9818.00.0100Any equipment, or any part of equipment, purchased for, or the repair parts or materials employed in, or the expense of repairs made in a foreign country with respect to, a LASH (Lighter Aboard Ship) barge utilized as a cargo container, upon first arrival of such barge in any port of the United StatesXFree50 percent of the cost of such goods or repairs


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