
美国HTS 编码(美国海关关税编码)  
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HTS 编码后 缀 商品描述 数量单位 完税税率
1 2
通常 特别
0406.20.6500Containing, or processed from, Cheddar cheese:
0406.20.6900Containing, or processed from, American- type cheese (including Colby, washed curd and granular cheese but not including Cheddar):
0406.20.7300Containing, or processed from, Edam or Gouda cheese:
0406.20.7700Containing, or processed from, Italian-type cheeses (Romano, Reggiano, Parmesan, Provolone,Provoletti, Sbrinz and Goya) made from cow's milk:
0406.20.8100Containing, or processed from, Swiss, Emmentaler, or Gruyere-process cheeses:
0406.30Processed (process) cheese, not grated or powdered:
0406.30.4900Gruyere-process cheese:
0406.30.5700Containing, or processed from, Bryndza, Gjetost, Gammelost, Nokkelost or Roquefort cheeseskg8.5%Free (A+,BH,CA,D, E,IL,J,JO,MX,P, SG) 3.4% (MA) 4.2% (CL) 6.5% (AU)35%
0406.30.6100Containing, or processed from, blue-veined cheese(except Roquefort):
0406.30.6500Containing, or processed from, Cheddar cheese:
0406.30.6900Containing, or processed from, American- type cheese (including Colby, washed curd and granular cheese, but not including Cheddar):
0406.30.7300Containing, or processed from, Edam or Gouda cheeses:
0406.30.7700Containing, or processed from, Italian-type cheeses (Romano, Reggiano, Parmesan, Provolone, Provoletti, Sbrinz and Goya):
0406.30.8100Containing, or processed from, Swiss, Emmentaler or Gruyere-process cheeses:
0406.90.7200Containing, or processed from, blue-veined cheese:
0406.90.7600Containing, or processed from, Cheddar cheese:
0406.90.8200Containing, or processed from, American- type cheese (including Colby, washed curd and granular cheese, but not including Cheddar):
0406.90.8600Containing, or processed from, Edam or Gouda cheese:
0406.90.9000Containing, or processed from, Swiss, Emmentaler or Gruyere-process cheese:
1902.11.2010Subject to the Inward Processing Regime (IPR)kg
1902.19.2010Subject to the Inward Processing Regime (IPR)kg
2106.90.0300Products derived from the dried milk, dried butter- milk or dried whey of subheadings 0402.10, 0402.21.05, 0402.21.25, 0402.21.30, 0402.21.50, 0403.90.41, 0403.90.45, 0404.10.50 or 0404.10.90, which contain not over 5.5 percent by weight of butterfatand which are mixed with other ingredients including, but not limited to sugar, if such mixtures contain over 16 percent milk solids by weight, are capable of being further processed or mixed with similar ingredients and are not prepared for marketing to the retail consumer in the identical form and package in which imported:
2401Unmanufactured tobacco (whether or not threshed or similarly processed); tobacco refuse:
2401.20.0500Not threshed or similarly processed:
2401.20.60Threshed or similarly processed:


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