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9808.00.4000Articles for the General Services Administration:
9808.00.4000Materials certified by it to the Commissioner of Customs to be strategic and critical materials procured under the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act (50 U.S.C. 98-98h)FreeFree
9808.00.7000Articles for the Commodity Credit Corporation:
9808.00.7000Materials certified by it to the Commissioner of Customs to be strategic materials acquired by that agency as a result of barter or exchange of agricultural commodities or productsFreeFree
9808.00.8000Articles for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and articles imported to implement international programs between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and foreign entities, including launch services agreements:
9808.00.8000Goods certified by it to the Commissioner of Customs to be imported for the use of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or for the implementation of an international program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, including articles to be launched into space and parts thereof, ground support equipment and uniquely associated equipment for use in connection with an international program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, including launch services agreementsFreeFree
9810.00.2500Articles imported for the use of an institution organized and operated for religious purposes, including cemeteries, schools, hospitals, orphanages and similar nonprofit activities staffed and controlled by such institution:
9810.00.6000Instruments and apparatus, if no instrument or apparatus of equivalent scientific value for the purposes for which the instrument or apparatus is intended to be used is being manufactured in the United States (see U.S. note 6 to this subchapter)XFreeFree
9810.00.6500Repair components for instruments or apparatus admitted under subheading 9810.00.60XFreeFree
9810.00.6700Tools specially designed to be used for the maintenance, checking, gauging or repair of instruments or apparatus admitted under subheading 9810.00.60XFreeFree
9810.00.7500Lifeboats and life-saving apparatusXFreeFree
9810.00.8000Apparatus utilizing any radioactive substance in medical diagnosis or therapeutic treatment, including the radioactive material itself when contained in the apparatus as an integral element thereof, and parts or accessories of any of the foregoingXFreeFree
9810.00.8500Cellulosic plastics materials imported for use in artificial kidney machines or apparatus by a hospital or by a patient pursuant to prescription of a physicianXFreeThe rate applicable in the absence of this heading
9811.00.60Any sample (except samples covered by heading 9811.00.20 or 9811.00.40), valued not over $1 each, or marked, torn, perforated or otherwise treated so that it is unsuitable for sale or for use otherwise than as a sample, to be used in the United States only for soliciting orders for products of foreign countriesFreeFree
9812.00.2000Articles imported for exhibition by any institution or society established for the encouragement of agriculture, arts, education or science, or for such exhibition by any State or for a municipal corporationXFree, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 2 to this subchapterFree (AU,BH,CA, CL,IL,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)Free, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 2 to this subchapter
9812.00.4000Articles imported by any institution, society or State, or for a municipal corporation, for the purpose of erecting a public monumentXFree, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 2 to this subchapterFree (AU,BH,CA, CL,IL,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)Free, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 2 to this subchapter
9813.00.15Articles imported by illustrators and photographers for use solely as models in their own establishments, in the illustrating of catalogues, pamphlets or advertising mattersFree, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 1 to this subchapterFree (AU,BH,CA, CL,IL,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)Free, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 1 to this subchapter
9813.00.70Works of the free fine arts, engravings, photographic pictures and philosophical and scientific apparatus brought into the United States by professional artists, lecturers or scientists arriving from abroad for use by them for exhibition and in illustration, promotion and encouragement of art, science or industry in the United StatesFree, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 1 to this subchapterFree (AU,BH,CA, CL,IL,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)Free, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 1 to this subchapter
9817.00.7000Animals, game, imported to be liberated in the United States for stocking purposesNo.FreeFree
9817.00.80Unwrought metal including remelt scrap ingot (except copper, lead, zinc and tungsten) in the form of pigs, ingots or billets (a) which are defective or damaged, or have been produced from melted down metal waste and scrap for convenience in handling and transportation without sweetening, alloying, fluxing or deliberate purifying, and (b) which cannot be commercially used without re-manufacture; relaying or rerolling rails; and articles of metal (except articles of lead, of zinc or of tungsten, and not including metal-bearing materials provided for in section VI, chapter 26 or subheading 8548.10 and not including unwrought metal provided for in chapters 72-81) to be used in remanufacture by melting or to be processed by shredding, shearing, compacting or similar processing which renders them fit only for the recovery of the metal content:
9817.00.94Braille tablets, cubarithms, and special apparatus, machines, presses, and types for their use or benefit exclusivelyFreeFree
9817.64.01Footwear, other than goods of heading 9021, of a kind for supporting or holding the foot following an illness, operation or injury, provided that such footwear is (1) made to measure and (2) presented singly and not in pairs and designed to fit either foot equallyFreeThe rate applicable in the absence of this heading
9817.95.01Utilitarian articles of a kind used in the home in the performance of specific religious or cultural ritual celebrations for religious or cultural holidays, or religious festive occasions, such as Seder plates, blessing cups, menorahs or kinarasFree25%
9819.11.03Articles imported from a designated beneficiary sub-Saharan African country enumerated in U.S. note 1 to this subchapter:
9819.11.12Apparel articles wholly assembled, or knit-to-shape and wholly assembled, or both, in one or more such lesser developed countries enumerated in U.S. note 2(d) to this subchapter, subject to the provisions of U.S. note 2 to this subchapter, regardless of the country of origin of the fabric or the yarn used to make such articles, if entered during the period beginning on the date announced in a Federal Register notice issued by the United States Trade Representative and continuing through September 30, 2012, inclusiveFree


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