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9805.00.50The personal and household effects (with such limitation on the importation of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe) of any person in the service of the United States who returns to the United States upon the termination of assignment to extended duty (as defined in regulations issued in connection with this provision) at a post or station outside the customs territory of the United States, or of returning members of his family who have resided with him at such post or station, or of any person evacuated to the United States under Government orders or instructionsFreeFree
9806.00.05Upon the request of the Department of State, ambassadors, ministers, charge d'affaires, secretaries, counselors, attaches and other representatives, officers and employees of foreign governments, accredited to the United States or en route to or from other countries to which accredited, and their immediate families, suites and servantsFreeFree
9806.00.10Upon the request of the Department of State, diplomatic couriers of foreign governmentsFreeFree
9806.00.15Upon the request of the Department of State, representatives of foreign governments in or to, and officers and employees of, organizations designated by the President of the United States as public international organizations pursuant to section 1 of the International Organizations Immunities Act (22 U.S.C. 288), and their immediate families, suites and servantsFreeFree
9806.00.20Persons on duty in the United States as members of the armed forces of any foreign country and their immediate familiesFreeFree
9806.00.25Upon the request of the Department of State, persons designated by the Department of State as high officials of foreign governments or distinguished foreign visitors and their immediate familiesFreeFree
9806.00.30Upon the request of the Department of State, persons designated pursuant to statute or pursuant to treaties ratified by the United States SenateFreeFree
9806.00.35Upon the request of the Department of State, personal effects and equipment of groups or delegations of foreign residents arriving in the United States on goodwill visits of short duration to participate in patriotic celebrations, festivals and other demonstrations of public interest and which will be exported or destroyed at the conclusion of the visitFreeFree
9806.00.40Articles entered for the personal or family use of the following persons who are aliens on duty in the United States:
9806.00.40Upon the request of the Department of State, ambassadors, ministers, charge d'affaires, secretaries, counselors and attaches of foreign embassies and legationsFreeFree
9806.00.50Upon the request of the Department of State, other representatives, officers and employees of foreign governmentsFreeFree
9806.00.55Upon the request of the Department of State, persons designated pursuant to statute or pursuant to treaties ratified by the United States SenateFreeFree
9807.00.40Articles of metal (including medals, trophies and prizes), for bestowal on persons in the United States, as honorary distinctions, by foreign countries or citizens of foreign countriesFreeFree
9807.00.50Upon the request of the Department of State, articles from citizens of foreign countries for presentation to the President or Vice President of the United StatesFreeFree
9808.00.1000Articles for the use of any agency of the United States Government:
9808.00.2000Articles for the Department of State:
9808.00.2000Sound recordings and recorded video tapes for use by it in the program authorized by the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 (22 U.S.C. 1431-1479)XFreeFree
9808.00.6000Articles for the use of the Department of Agriculture or of the United States Botanic Garden:
9809.00.20Upon the request of the Department of State, office supplies and equipment and other articles for the official use of representatives of foreign governments or of personnel of public international organizations, on duty in the United StatesFreeFree
9809.00.30Articles for the official use of members of the armed forces of any foreign country on duty in the United StatesFreeFree
9809.00.40Upon the request of the Department of State, articles (other than communications satellites and parts thereof) which are the property of a foreign government or of a public international organization:
9809.00.40Articles which, while in the United States, will remain the property of such government or of such organization and will be used only in connection with noncommercial functions of such government or of such organization, including exhibitions which are sponsored by or participated in by such government or such organization and which are not commercial in character or connected with commercial undertakingsFreeFree
9809.00.50Prosthetic appliances furnished by a foreign government to former members of its armed forces who reside in the United StatesFreeFree
9809.00.60Headstones furnished by a foreign government for graves of its war veterans buried in the United StatesFreeFree
9809.00.70Articles for presentation as gifts to the United States Government, to any State or local government or to any public institution organized in the United StatesFreeFree


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