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Body Surface Area CalculatorTotal Body Surface Area
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Calculate Body Surface Area   

Your Weight     Formula

Your Height

  Feet Inches    Metres     Inches


Calculation Results:
Your body surface area is 3.87 m²
Body surface area(BSA)

The body surface area is the measured or calculated surface of a human body. Because of the complexity of direct measurement, various formulas have been developed to estimate the body surface area over the years. Using these BSA formulas, body surface area will be figured out in square meters.

Body Surface Area Formulas
  • The Mosteller formula

  • One commonly used formula is the Mosteller formula, published in 1987.
    BSA (m²) = ( [Height(cm) x Weight(kg) ]/ 3600 )½
  • The DuBois and DuBois formula

  • BSA (m²) = 0.20247 x Height(m)0.725 x Weight(kg)0.425
  • The Haycock formula

  • BSA (m²) = 0.024265 x Height(cm)0.3964 x Weight(kg)0.5378
  • The Gehan and George formula

  • BSA (m²) = 0.0235 x Height(cm)0.42246 x Weight(kg)0.51456
  • The Boyd formula

  • BSA (m2) = 0.0003207 x Height(cm)0.3 x Weight(g)(0.7285 - ( 0.0188 x LOG10Weight(g))
Average BSA Values

Neonate 0.25
Child 2 years 0.5
Child 9 years 1.07
Child 10 years 1.14
Child 12-13 years 1.33
For men 1.9
For women 1.6

Top Use:    Calculate Body surface area - Weight:72.4Kgs Height:1.5m

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