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Famous Gold Mines ChartGold Reserves by Countries Chart
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Famous Gold Mines Chart
buzwagi gold mine

buzwagi gold mine

Buzwagi Gold Mine is an open pit gold mine in the Shinyanga Region of Tanzania, located 6 kilometres southeast from the town of Kahama, Tanzania. Buzwagi began production in May 2009. The mine is Tanzania's second largest mining operation and the largest single open pit mine in the country.
Mining Method: open pit
Commodity: Gold, Copper
Estimated Mine Life(yrs): To 2022
Reserves/Resources: Gold - 2.15 Moz gold (Dec 31, 2011, proven and probable reserves)
Products: Gold - 196,541 oz (2011) Copper - 1,272 klbs (2011)
Owner: Barrick Gold Corp. - 73.9%
Continent: Africa

geita gold mine

geita gold mine

The Geita Gold Mine is an open pit gold mine located in the Geita District of the Mwanza Region of Tanzania,about 120km from Mwanza and 4km west of the town of Geita.Gold was discovered at Geita by a German prospector in early 1900s at a time when Tanzania was a German colony. The mine commenced production in 2000.
Mining Method: open pit
Commodity: Gold
Reserves/Resources: Gold - 55.81 Mt @ 2.64 g/t gold for 4.73 Moz (Dec 31, 2011, probable reserves)
Products: Gold - 494 koz in 2011
Owner: AngloGold Ashanti Ltd - 100%
Continent: Africa

North Mara Gold Mine

North Mara Gold Mine

North Mara Gold Mine is an open pit gold mine in the Tarime District of the Mara Region of Tanzania.The mine, which opened in 2002, consists of three open pits, a process plant, waste rock dumps, a tailings containment pond, and other associated facilities.
Mining Method: open pit
Commodity: Gold
Estimated Mine Life(yrs): To 2021
Reserves/Resources: Gold - 3.48 Moz (Dec 31, 2011, proven & probable)
Products: Gold - 170 koz (2011)
Owner: Barrick Gold Corp - 73.9%
Continent: Africa

Tulawaka Gold Mine

Tulawaka Gold Mine

Tulawaka is a combined underground and open pit gold mine located in the Biharamulo district, in the Kagera Region of Tanzania. The Tulawaka mine operated from 2005 through to H1 2013 initially as an open pit operation, subsequently transitioning to an underground mine. Over that time the mine produced nearly 1Moz of gold, nearly double the original feasibility study estimates.
Mining Method: open pit
Commodity: Gold
Estimated Mine Life(yrs): To 2010, then turn underground
Products: 42k oz in 2010(Annual Production)
Owner: Barrick Gold Corp (70%),Northern Mining Exploration (30%)
Continent: Africa


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