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Famous Gold Mines ChartGold Reserves by Countries Chart
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Famous Gold Mines Chart
El Morro Development Mine

El Morro Development Mine

The project is located in the Municipality of Alto del Carmen, Huasco Province, Third Region of Atacama in northern Chile.The El Morro District sits at the center of a tectonic depression enclosed to the west by the west dipping Cazadero fault and, to the east by the east dipping Cantaritos fault.It contains proven and probable reserves of 6.7 million ounces of gold and 5.7 billion pounds of copper with an additional 2.2 million ounces of gold and 1.0 billion pounds of copper in the measured and indicated resource categories.
Mining Method: open pit
Commodity: Gold, Copper
Estimated Mine Life(yrs): 14
Reserves/Resources: 450 Mt at 0.58% copper, 0.46 g/t gold for 6.7 Moz gold & 5.7 Billion lb copper (Reserves - Dec/09)
Products: 480,000 oz gold, 407 million lbs copper (est. annual average)
Owner: Goldcorp Inc. (70%), New Gold Inc. (30%)
country/region: CHILE
Continent: South America

Pascua Lama

Pascua Lama

Pascua-Lama is an open pit mining project of gold, silver, copper and other minerals. Pascua Lama is located in the Andes mountains, in the southern reaches of Atacama Desert, straddling the border between Chile and Argentina at an altitude of over 4,500 metres.The gold-silver deposit was discovered in 1977 by St. Joe and CMSA. Barrick acquired the project in 1994.
Mining Method: open pit
Commodity: Gold, Silver
Estimated Mine Life(yrs): 25
Start Date: 2013
Reserves/Resources: 17.8 Moz gold and 718 Moz silver (Dec31/2009)
Products: 14 Moz gold and 494 Moz silver (over the LOM)
Owner: Barrick Gold
country/region: CHILE
Continent: South America

Santo Domingo

Santo Domingo

The Santo Domingo Project is located 50 kilometres west of Codelco's El Salvador copper mine, and 130 kilometres north northeast of Copiapo in Region III, Chile, near the town of Diego de Almagro. Mining for copper, gold, and iron has been ongoing in this area since early in the 19th century. The project area has a relatively long history of small-scale mining and prospecting.
Mining Method: open pit
Commodity: Gold, Copper, Iron
Estimated Mine Life(yrs): 18
Reserves/Resources: 418Mt at 0.04g/t gold and 0.32% copper
Products: 144Mlbs copper, 4.1Mt iron, 15koz gold per year
Owner: Capstone Mining Corp. (100%)
country/region: CHILE
Continent: South America



The Tanjianshan mine is located in the Dachaidan Region, Haixi Prefecture, Qinghai Province, northwest China. The Tanjianshan property covers 338 sq km and includes four exploration licenses and two mining licenses. The mine consists of two separate deposits - Qinlongtan ("QLT") and Jinlonggou ("JLG").
Mining Method: open pit
Commodity: Gold
Estimated Mine Life(yrs): To 2016
Reserves/Resources: Gold - 562 koz (Dec 31, 2011, proven & probable)
Products: Gold - 115k oz in 2011
Owner: Eldoradogold Corp. - 90% Qinhai No 1 Geological Brigade - 5% Dachaidan Gold Mine - 5%
country/region: CHINA
Continent: Asia

La Colosa Development Mine

La Colosa Development Mine

The La Colosa Project is located 150 km west of Colombia's capital city, Bogota, in the department of Tolima.Gold was the metal of choice of local Pre-Columbian populations but there were no prior mining or exploration activities in the project area before 2006 when AngloGold Ashanti's field team discovered the La Colosa gold deposit.
Mining Method: new project
Commodity: Gold
Estimated Mine Life(yrs): 20
Reserves/Resources: 468.8 Mt at 0.86 g/t gold for 12.9 Moz gold (2008)
Products: 700,000 oz per year
Owner: AngloGold Ashanti Ltd.
country/region: COLOMBIA
Continent: South America


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