Mines Chart |

The Plutonic Gold Mine is a gold mine located 82 km east north east of Peak Hill, Western Australia.Plutonic is an underground mining operation that produces gold through a cyanidation process.The gold deposit was discovered in the 1987-1989 period by Great Central. Plutonic mine has been in operation since August 1990. It started as an open pit mining operation. It was subsequently transitioned to an underground mining operation in 1995. Mining Method: underground Commodity: Gold Estimated Mine Life(yrs): To 2015 Reserves/Resources: 402koz gold (proven & probable, December, 2011) Products: Gold - 115 koz (2011) Owner: Barrick Gold Corporation – 100% country/region: AUSTRALIA Continent: Oceania
| Sunrise Dam

The Sunrise Dam Gold Mine is located 55 km south of Laverton, Western Australia.The gold deposit at Sunrise Dam was discovered in August 1988 and gold mining operations started in 1995 with the first gold pour in 1997.The mininig operation comprises an open pit operation and an underground operation. Open pit mining would be discontinued in the third quarter 2012 as the mine would have reached its final depth. Mining Method: Open Pit & Underground Commodity: Gold Estimated Mine Life(yrs): To 2017 Reserves/Resources: Gold - 1.53 Moz O/P & U/G (proven & probable, December 2011) Products: Gold - 246Koz (2011) Owner: AngloGold Ashanti Ltd - 100% country/region: AUSTRALIA Continent: Oceania
| Tanami

Tanami gold mine is located in the south of the Northern Territory, Australia.Mining for gold began in the early 1900s and, most recently, from the late-1980s to present day.Production comes from the Callie underground operation, at Dead Bullock Soak, with ore processed at the Granites Mill, more than 40km to the east. Mining Method: underground Commodity: Gold Reserves/Resources: Gold - 2.52 Moz (Dec 31, 2011, proven & probable) Products: Gold - 221Koz (2011) Owner: Newmont Mining Corp. - 100% country/region: AUSTRALIA Continent: Oceania
| Tropicana Gold Mine

The Tropicana Gold Mine project is located 330 km northeast of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.he Tropicana deposit was discovered in 2005 and, together with the nearby Havana deposit, discovered in 2006, constitutes the last major Australian gold discovery.It covers a 300 km strike length of an ancient collision zone between the Yilgarn Crater and the Albany-Fraser Province. Mining Method: open pit Commodity: Gold Estimated Mine Life(yrs): 10 Start Date: Q4 2013 Reserves/Resources: Resources
48 Mt at 2.2 g/t gold for 3.45 Moz (2010) Products: Gold 3.45 Moz (over the LOM) Owner: Anglogold Ashanti Ltd (70%), Independence Group NL (30%) country/region: AUSTRALIA Continent: Oceania
| Yilgarn South

Barrick Gold’s Yilgarn South operations are comprised of the Darlot, Granny Smith and Lawlers mines.The Darlot gold mine is a trackless underground operation located on the Yandal Greenstone Belt, approximately 680 kilometres northeast of Perth, Western Australia.The Granny Smith underground gold mine is located 950 kilometres northeast of Perth and 23 kilometres south of Laverton in the state of Western Australia.The Lawlers mine is an underground operation located on the Norseman/Wiluna Greenstone Belt, approximately 660 kilometres northeast of Perth, Western Australia. Mining Method: underground Commodity: Gold Estimated Mine Life(yrs): To 2015 Reserves/Resources: Gold - 1.41 Moz (Dec 31, 2011, proven & probable reserves) Products: Gold - 372 koz in 2011 Owner: Barrick Gold Corp. - 100% country/region: AUSTRALIA Continent: Oceania