Gemstone Chart |
Natural Agate Agate is a beautiful natural chalcedony stone, classified as a semi precious gem and has been used by people as early as the ancient Egyptians in and before 3000 BC! Agate is hard and tough enough to be incorporated into jewelry and other ornamental items. Color: Blue, green, yellow,orange, brown, gray Categories: semi-precious stone Chemical Composition: SiO2 Crystal Group: Hexagonal Refractive Index: 1.530 - 1.539 Hardness: 6.5 - 7 Density: 2.57 - 2.64 Occurrence: Scotland, U.S.A., India, England, Italy, Brazil, Uruguay, Germany, Egypt, Indonesia, and many other localities.
| Natural Amethyst As a member of the quartz family, amethyst is one of the most common, hence under-appreciated, gemstones on the market. Color: purple, violet Categories: semi-precious stone Chemical Composition: SiO2 Crystal Group: Hexagonal Refractive Index: 1.544 - 1.553 Hardness: 7 Density: 2.66 Occurrence: Brazil, Uraguay, Bolivia, Madagascar, Russia, USA, Zambia
| Natural Andalusite Andalusite is popular as a collector stone but is seldom used in jewelry probably because of it's unavailability. With a hardness of 7 - 7.5 andalusite is tough enough to be used in jewelry. Andalusite, especially in the rough, can easily be confused with alexandrite because of similarities in color Categories: semi-precious stone Chemical Composition: Al2SiO5 Crystal Group: Orthorhombic Refractive Index: 1.628 - 1.647 Hardness: 7 - 7.5 Density: 3.13 - 3.21 Occurrence: Brazil, Sri Lanka, Spain, East Africa, Burma, U.S.A.
| Natural Aquamarine Aquamarine is a semi-precious gemstone frequently incorporated into some of the most modern, beautiful handmade jewelry in the world. It is most often found in shades of clear ocean blue, and is widely recognized as the March Birthstone and the gemstone for the 18th anniversary. Color: Blue, Green-blue Categories: semi-precious stone Chemical Composition: Be3Al2(SiO3)6 Crystal Group: Hexagonal Refractive Index: 1.577(+-.016), 1.583 (+-.017) Hardness: 7.5 Density: 2.67-2.745 Occurrence: Brazil, China, India, Madagascar, Mozambique, Russia, and U.S.A.
| Natural Axinite Axinite is considered to be a semi-precious gemstone and while limited in nature, gems of good color and size are available, however, faceted stones above 1 carat are rare. Despite being a bit brittle, Axinite¡¯s brilliance and sumptuous colors ranging from a rich clove color to a vivid blue, make it a exquisite and unique gemstone that is keenly sought after by collectors and connoisseurs alike. Currently, the most in demand colors of Axinite are the earth toned browns. Color: Yellow, brown, violet, brownish red Categories: semi-precious stone Crystal Group: Triclinic Refractive Index: 1.673 ¨C 1.693 Hardness: 6.5 - 7 Density: 3.29 Occurrence: Baja CA, USA; Tanzania
| Natural Benitoite Benitoite is considered to be a semi-precious gemstone. Very limited in nature and available from only one spot on earth (San Benito County, California), Benitoite is among the 10 rarest gemstones on earth Color: Blue, white, colorless Categories: semi-precious stone Chemical Composition: BaTiSi3O6 Crystal Group: Hexagonal Refractive Index: 1.757 ¨C 1.804 Hardness: 6.5 Density: 3.65 ¨C 3.68 Occurrence: San Benito County, California
| Natural Beryl Beryl is a semi-precious clear gemstone which usually comes in greens, yellows, and occasionally pinks, ands various shades thereof. Color: Green, blue, pink, yellow, red Categories: semi-precious stone Chemical Composition: Be3Al2(SiO3)6 Crystal Group: Hexagonal Refractive Index: 1.577(+-.016), 1.583 (+-.017) Hardness: 7.5 Density: 2.67-2.745 Occurrence: Austria, Columbia, Brazil, Russia, East Africa, Australia, Madagascar, South Africa, Zimbabwe, India, Pakistan, Zambia, Nigeria, U.S.A., Afghanistan
| Natural Bi Color Tourmaline Bi color tourmaline is the name given to tourmaline which displays more than one color in the same cystal.It is classified as a semi-precious stone. Color: Green, red, yellow, orange. Brown, green, pink Categories: semi-precious stone Chemical Composition: (NaCa)(LI,MgFe,Al)9B3Si6(O,OH)31 Crystal Group: Hexagonal Refractive Index: 1.624(+.005, -.005) - 1.644(+.006, -.006) Hardness: 7-7.5 Density: 3.06 (.05, +.15) Occurrence: East Africa, Brazil, USA, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Madagascar