Gold Bars Chart (International Gold Bars Searchable Collection)
This is a searchable collection of international gold bars. The categorization of bars is based on weight denomination, shape, decoration
or a distinctive feature.
Baht Bars Bar Weight: 0.5,1,2,3,4,5,10,20,25,100 baht(s)(1baht=15.244grams) Popular Weight: 10 baht(s) Purity: 96.5% Country or Area: Thailand The baht is a Thai unit of weight.Baht Bars are widely manufactured in Thailand.The most popular is the 10 baht "biscuit" bar, equivalent to 152.44 g or 4.901 oz.
Oval Bars Bar Weight: 1,2,3 baht(s)(1baht=15.244grams) Country or Area: Thailand Yoo Long Kim Kee is the first, among known manufacturers worldwide, to produce standard cast gold bars in an oval shape. Weights: 1, 2 and 3
baht. They were launched in 2000.
Twin-Coin Bars Bar Weight: 1,2,4,5 baht(s)(1baht=15.244grams) Country or Area: Thailand Yoo Long Kim Kee (Thailand) is the first known refiner to manufacture decorative cast gold bars to a precise weight through injecting gold,under pressure, into an enclosed mould. Known as "twin-coin" bars, they were first manufactured in 1992. Weights: 1, 2, 4 and 5 baht.
Honeycomb Bars Bar Weight: 25 baht(s)(1baht=15.244grams) Country or Area: Thailand Loo Chang Huat (Thailand) still manufactures "honeycomb" gold bars by blowing on the surface of the molten gold as it cools. The cracked
surface enables the buyer to confirm that the bar is made entirely from gold. Although now rarely made, honeycomb bars were widely traded in
Thailand until the 1970s. Most weights exceed 25 baht.