The converter can can be used to convert between the
following list of measurement units
Length Metre,
Kilometre, Centimetre, Millimetre, Decimetre, Micron, Nanometer, Angstrom,
Yard, Foot, Inch, Mile, Furlong, Fathom, Gunter's Chain, Rod(Pole; Perch),
Kiloyard, Hand (Equine), Link, City Inch(China), City Foot(China), City
Zhang(China), Mile marin and Cables'length.
Area/Surface Square
Metre, Square Centimetre, Square Yard, Square
Inch, Are, Square Feet, Square Kilometre, Acre, Square
Mile, Hectare, Square Rod, Section(U.S. Government Land), Township(U.S.
Government Land), Quarter Section(U.S. Government Land), Eighth Section(U.S.
Government Land), Sixteenth Section(U.S. Government Land), Mu(China) and
Chains Square.
Volume Cubic
Metre, Cubic Yard, Cubic Feet(Timber Foot), Cubic Inch, Cubic Centimetre(Medicine cc),
Cord-foot, Perch, Displacement Ton, Freight Ton, Load,
Register Ton, Cord (Firewood), Cubic Fathom, Dekaliter,
Cubic Decimetre, Board Foot Measure, Arce-foot,
Acre-inch, Cubic Mile, Hectare Meter, Litre, Millilitre, centilitre, Gallon(Imperial), Pint(Imperial), Quarts(Imperial), Peck(Imperial), Gi(Imperial), Bushel(Imperial),
Chaldron(Imperial), Strike(Imperial), Sack
(Imperial)<Bag>, Barrel (Imperial), Hogshead (Imperial), Coomb,
Water ton, Last, Quarter(Imperial), Fluid Ounce(Imperial), Kenning(Imperial),
Fluid Dram(Imperial), Fluid Scruple(Imperial), Minim(Imperial), Pint(US
Dry), Quarts(US Dry), Peck(US Dry), Bushel(US Dry Level), Bushel (U.S. Dry
Heaped), Trike (US), Sack (US), Barrel (US Dry), Seam, Wey (US), Pint(US Liquid),
Liquid;Wine), Quarts(US Liquid), Barrel (Petroleum),
Barrel (US Fluid), Hogshead (US), Gi(US Liquid), Fluid Ounce(US Liquid),
Fluid Dram(US
Liquid), Minim(US Liquid), Butt(pipe), Tun, Cup(Metric), Teaspoon(US), Tablespoon(US),
Cup(US) Teaspoon(Imperial),Tablespoon(Imperial), Cup(Imperial), Dash(Imperial),
Drop (Imperial), Drop (US), Drop (Medical)(alt), Drop
(Imperial) (alt),Drop (US) (alt), Drop (Metric), Pinch
(US), Pinch (Imperial), Pony ,Shot, Jigger, Fifth,
Lambda, Breakfast Cup, Beer Gallon, Bucket (Imperial),
drum(55-gallon), Firkin and Kilderkin.
Velocity/speed Metre
Per Second, Kilometre Per Hour, Speed Of Light
In Vacuum, Speed Of Sound In Air, Knot, Foot Per Hour, Inch Per Second,
Mile Per Second, Inch Per Minute, Foot Per Second, Foot Per Minute, Mile
Per Hour, Mile Per Minute and Furlong Per Fortnight.
Accelebration Metre
Per Second Squared, Standard
Gravity, Galileo,
Mile Per Second Squared, Mile Per Minute Per Second, Mile
Per Hour Per Second, Inch Per Minute Per Second, Inch Per
Second Squared, Foot Per Second Squared, Foot Per Minute
Per Second, Foot Per Hour Per Second and Knot Per Second.
Flow Rate(Mass) Metric
Ton Per Hour, Metric Ton Per Day, Kilograms Per Hour, Kilograms Per Day,
Kilograms Per Minute, Pounds Per Hour, Pounds Per Minute, Short Ton Per
Day and Short Ton
Per Hour.
Flow Rate(Volume) Gallon(US)
Per Hour, Gallon(US) Per Day, Gallon(US) Per Year, Gallon(US) Per Minute,
Gallon(US) Per Second, Liters Per Hour, Liters Per Day, Liters Per
Year, Gallon(Imperial) Per Second, Gallon(Imperial) Per Minute, Gallon(Imperial)
Per Hour, Gallon(Imperial) Per Year, Gallon(Imperial) Per Day, Cubic Meter
Per Second, Cubic Meter Per Minute, Cubic Meter Per Hour, Cubic Yards Per
Second, Cubic Yards Per Minute, Cubic Yards Per Hour, Acre Inch Per Hour,
Acre Inch Per Day, Acre Feet Per Hour, Acre Feet Per Day, Cubic Foot Per
Hour, Cubic Foot Per Day, Cubic Foot Per Year, Cubic Foot Per Second, Cubic
Foot Per Minute and Hectare Meter Per Day.

Weight/Mass Kilogram,
Gram, Milligram, Microgramme, Nanogram, Metric Ton, Quintal, Pound(Avoirdupois),
Ounce(Avoirdupois), Long
Ton, Short Ton, Dram, Grain(Avoirdupois), Stone, Hundredweight(Imperial),
Quarter, Hundredweight(US), Catty(China), Tael(China), Tsin(China), Centi(China),
Tael(Chinese Medicine), Tsin(Chinese Medicine), Centi(Chinese Medicine),
Milli(Chinese Medicine), Picul(HONGKONG), Catty(HONGKONG), Tael(HONGKONG),
Tsin(HONGKONG), Carat, Piont,
Pearl Grain, ounce(troy or apothecaries), Pennyweight(Troy), Drachm(Apothecaries
or Troy), Scruple(Apothecaries or Troy), Grain(Apothecaries), Momme(Japan
Pearl), Ratti(India,Burma), Mangelin(India), baht(raw gold or bullion,Thailand), Chi(Vietnam), mesghal(Iran), Don(South Korea), Tola(India), Lathi(Burma),
or Troy), Bali(Burma), Tickal(Burma), Viss(Burma), Chevvu<Chow,Tank>(Sri
Lanka), Manchadi(Sri Lanka), Catty(Thailand), Checky(Turkey), Oitava, Octavo(Brazil),
Bushel Wheat or
Soybean, Bushel Corn, Bushel Barley US, Bushel Ota and Bushel Barley(Imperial).
Angle Radian,
Degree, Grad(Gradian; Gon), Minute of Arc, Sign, Octant, Sextant,
Quadrant, Arcsecond,
Centesimal Minute of Arc, Angular mil and Centesimal Second of Arc.
Temperature Degrees Celsius,
Degrees Fahrenheit, Kelvin Equals, Rankine Equals, Reaumur Equals.
Force Newton,
Atomic Unit of Force, Dyne(cgs unit), Sthene (mts
unit), Kilogram-force(Kilopond; Grave-force), Milligrame-force, Poundal,
Ounce-force, Kip(Kip-force), Ton-force, millinewton, dekanewton and kilonewton.
Pressure Pascal(Newton
Per Square Meter), Atmosphere,
Millimeter of Mercury (Torr), Bar, Kilopascal(Meganewton Per Square
Meter); Millibar, Pounds Per Square Inch, Megapascal, Hectopascal, Kilogram
Per Square
Centimeter, Kilogram Per Square Meter, Pound Per Square
Foot, Thousand Pounds Per Square Inch, Inch of
Mercury, Newton Per Square Centimeter, Technical
Atmosphere, Meter of Water, Centimetre of Water and Inch of
Energy Horsepower-hour,
Joule, Kilojoule, British thermal unit, Foot-pound Force, Kilocalorie(Large Calorie),
Kilowatt-hour(Board of Trade
Unit), Kilogram-meter, Inch-pound Force, Electron Volt, Thermie, Foot-poundal,
Ton of TNT, Barrel of Oil
Equivalent, Ton of Coal Equivalent, Ton of Oil Equivalent, Erg(cgs unit),
Atomic Unit of Energy, Hartree, Rydberg and Quad .
Power Horsepower(Imperial), Watts(J/s or N?m/s), Kilowatts, Horsepower(metric), Ft.-Lb./Sec.,
Ft.-Lb./Min., BTU/Hr, Kcal/s, Kgf·m/s and Kilovolt
Density kilogram per cubic meter, pound per cubic foot, pound per Imperial gallon, pound per US gallon, pound per cubic inch, gram per cubic centimeter, gram per milliliter, gram per cubic millimeter, pound per cubic yard, kilogram per litre, ounce per Imperial gallon, ounce per US gallon, ounce per cubic foot, ounce per cubic inch, ounce per cubic yard, short ton per cubic yard,
long ton per cubic yard and pound per barrel.
Dynamic viscosity
Pascal-Seconds,Poiseuille, poise, centipoise, pound-force second per square foot, kilogram-force second per square metre, pound-force second per square inch
and pound-force hour
per square foot.
Kinematic viscosity
square centimeter per second, stokes,
square meter per second, exastokes, square foot per second,
square inch per second and square foot per hour.