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9817.00.92Articles for the blind:
9817.00.92Books, music and pamphlets, in raised print, used exclusively by or for themFreeFree
9817.00.94Braille tablets, cubarithms, and special apparatus, machines, presses, and types for their use or benefit exclusivelyFreeFree
9817.00.9800Theatrical scenery, properties and apparel brought into the United States by proprietors or managers of theatrical, ballet, opera or similar productions arriving from abroad for temporary use by them in such productionsXFreeThe rate applicable in the absence of this heading
9817.22.05Rum, tafia, liqueurs and spirituous beverages, of a type classifiable in subheading 2208.40 or 2208.90 and described in U.S. note 6 to this subchapterFree
9817.29.01Cyclic organic chemical products in any physical form having an aromatic or modified aromatic structure, however provided for in chapter 29 (but excluding 2,3-dihydroxynaphthalene-6-sulfonic acid, sodium salt), to be used in the manufacture of photographic color couplers; photographic color couplers (but excluding 2,3-dihydroxynaphthalene-6-sulfonic acid, sodium salt) (all the foregoing goods however provided for in chapter 29 or in subheading 3707.90.31, 3707.90.32 or 3707.90.60)FreeThe rate applicable in the absence of this heading
9817.29.02Methanol (Methyl alcohol) produced from natural gas aboard a vessel on the high seas or in foreign watersFree46%
9817.57.01Needle-craft display models, primarily hand stitched, of completed mass-produced kits (provided for in subheading 5701.10.40, 5701.10.90, 5701.90.20, 5805.00.25, 5805.00.40, 6302.91, 6302.93.10, 6302.93.20, 6302.99.20, 6303.19, 6303.92.10, 6303.92.20, 6303.99, 6304.92, 6304.93, 6304.99.15, 6304.99.35, 6304.99.60, 6307.90.85 or 6307.90.98)FreeThe rate applicable in the absence of this heading
9817.60.0000Any of the following articles not intended for sale or distribution to the public: personal effects of aliens who are participants in, officials of, or accredited members of delegations to, an international athletic event held in the United States, such as the Olympics and Paralympics, the Goodwill Games, the Special Olympics World Games, the World Cup Soccer Games, or any similar international athletic event as the Secretary of the Treasury may determine, and of persons who are immediate family members of or servants to any of the foregoing persons; equipment and materials imported in connection with any such foregoing event by or on behalf of the foregoing persons or the organizing committee of such an event, articles to be used in exhibitions depicting the culture of a country participating in such an event; and, if consistent with the foregoing, such other articles as the Secretary of the Treasury may allowXFreeFree
9817.61.01Articles of ski racing apparel which, because of their padding, construction, or other special features, are specially designed to protect against injuries from the sport of ski racing, such as blows caused by slalom gates or falls (provided for in subheading 6101.30.20, 6105.20.20, 6110.11, 6110.12.20, 6110.19, 6110.20.20, 6110.30.30, 6112.20.10, 6114.30.30, 6203.43.15 or 6203.43.35)5.5%Free (AU,JO, MX,P) The rate applicable in the absence of this heading (A,BH,CA,CL,E,IL, J,MA,SG)The rate applicable in the absence of this heading
9817.64.01Footwear, other than goods of heading 9021, of a kind for supporting or holding the foot following an illness, operation or injury, provided that such footwear is (1) made to measure and (2) presented singly and not in pairs and designed to fit either foot equallyFreeThe rate applicable in the absence of this heading
9817.82.01Mounted tool and drill bit blanks of polycrystalline diamond (provided for in subheadings 8207.19.60, 8207.50.40 or 8207.50.80) and mounted tool blanks of polycrystalline diamond (provided for in subheadings 8207.70.60, 8207.80.60, 8207.90.45 or 8207.90.75FreeThe rate applicable in the absence of this heading
9817.84.01Wheelbuilding, wheel-trueing, rimpunching, tire fitting and similar machines (provided for in subheading 8462.21, 8462.29, 8462.41, 8462.49, 8479.89.98 or 9031.80), all the foregoing suitable for use in the manufacture of wheels for bicyclesFreeThe rate in the absence of this heading
9817.85.01Prototypes to be used exclusively for development, testing, product evaluation, or quality control purposesFreeThe rateapplicable in the absence of this heading
9817.95.01Articles classifiable in subheadings 3924.10, 3926.90, 6307.90, 6911.10, 6912.00, 7013.22, 7013.28, 7013.41, 7013.49, 9405.20, 9405.40 or 9405.50, the foregoing meeting the descriptions set forth below:
9817.95.01Utilitarian articles of a kind used in the home in the performance of specific religious or cultural ritual celebrations for religious or cultural holidays, or religious festive occasions, such as Seder plates, blessing cups, menorahs or kinarasFree25%
9817.95.05Utilitarian articles in the form of a three-dimensional representation of a symbol or motif clearly associated with a specific holiday in the United States.Free25%
9818.00.0100Equipments, or any part thereof, including boats, purchased for, or the repair parts or materials to be used, or the expenses of repairs made in a foreign country upon, a vessel described in U.S. note 1 to this subchapter:
9818.00.0100Any equipment, or any part of equipment, purchased for, or the repair parts or materials employed in, or the expense of repairs made in a foreign country with respect to, a LASH (Lighter Aboard Ship) barge utilized as a cargo container, upon first arrival of such barge in any port of the United StatesXFree50 percent of the cost of such goods or repairs
9818.00.0300Spare repair parts or materials (other than nets or nettings) which the owner or master of a vessel certifies are intended for use aboard a cargo vessel, for installation or use on such vessel, as needed, in the United States, at sea, or in a foreign country, but only if duty is or has been paid under this schedule upon first entry into the United States of each such spare part or material purchased in, or imported from, a foreign countryXFree50 percent of the cost of such parts or materials
9818.00.0500Spare parts necessarily installed before first entry into the United States, upon first entry into the United States of each such spare part purchased in, or imported from, a foreign countryThe rate applicable in the absence of this subheading on the cost of such partsFree (BH,C,CA,E, IL,J,JO,MA, MX,P) The rate applicable in the absence of this subheading on the cost of such parts (AU,CL,SG)50 percent of the cost of such parts
9818.00.0700Other, upon first arrival in any port of the United States of any vessel described in U.S. note 1 to this subchapterX50 percent of the cost of such goods or repairsFree (AU,BH,C, CA,CL,E,IL,J,JO, MA,MX,P,SG)50 percent of the cost of such goods or repairs
9819.11.03Articles imported from a designated beneficiary sub-Saharan African country enumerated in U.S. note 1 to this subchapter:
9819.11.03Apparel articles of chapter 61 or 62 sewn or otherwise assembled in one or more such countries from fabrics wholly formed and cut, or from components knit-to-shape, in the United States, from yarns wholly formed in the United States, or both (including fabrics not formed from yarns, if such fabrics are classifiable in heading 5602 or 5603 and are wholly formed and cut in the United States), the foregoing which (1) are embroidered or were subjected to stone-washing, enzyme-washing, acid washing, permapressing, oven-baking, bleaching, garment-dyeing, screen printing or other similar processes, and (2) but for such embroidery or processing are of a type otherwise described in heading 9802.00.80 of the tariff scheduleFree
9819.11.06Apparel articles sewn or otherwise assembled in one or more such countries with thread formed in the United States from fabrics wholly formed in the United States and cut in one or more such countries from yarns wholly formed in the United States, or from components knit-to-shape in the United States from yarns wholly formed in the United States, or both (including fabrics not formed from yarns, if such fabrics are classifiable under heading 5602 or 5603 of the tariff schedule and are wholly formed in the United States)Free


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