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9822.04.50Goods provided for in subheading 0406.10.38, 0406.20.39, 0406.20.71, 0406.30.38, 0406.30.71, 0406.90.54 or 0406.90.84 subject to the quantitative limits specified in U.S. note 18 to this subchapterFree (AU)
9822.04.65Goods provided for in subheading 0406.90.48 subject to the quantitative limits specified in U.S. note 19 to this subchapterFree (AU)
9822.05.01Textile or apparel goods described in U.S. note 20 to this subchapter and entered pursuant to its provisionsFree (P)
9822.05.10Textile and apparel goods of chapters 61 through 63 described in U.S. note 22 to this subchapter and entered pursuant to its provisionsA duty upon the full value of the imported article less the value of fabrics, components or materials of the United States (see U.S. note 22 of this subchapter)
9822.05.20Goods provided for in subheading 1701.11.50, 1701.12.50, 1701.91.30, 1701.91.48,1701.91.58, 1701.99.50, 1702.20.28, 1702.30.28, 1702.40.28, 1702.60.28, 1702.90.20, 1702.90.58, 1702.90.68, 1704.90.68, 1704.90.78, 1806.10.15, 1806.10.28, 1806.10.38, 1806.10.55, 1806.10.75, 1806.20.73, 1806.20.77, 1806.20.94, 1806.20.98, 1806.90.39, 1806.90.49, 1806.90.59, 1901.20.25, 1901.20.35, 1901.20.60, 1901.20.70, 1901.90.54, 1901.90.58, 2101.12.38, 2101.12.48, 2101.12.58, 2101.20.38, 2101.20.48, 2101.20.58, 2103.90.78, 2106.90.46, 2106.90.72, 2106.90.76, 2106.90.80, 2106.90.91, 2106.90.94 or 2106.90.97, subject to the quantitative limits specified in U.S. note 25 to this subchapterFree (P+)


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