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通常 特别
1205.10.00Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds0.58¢/kgFree (A+,AU,BH, CA,CL,D,E,IL,J, JO,MA,MX,P,SG)4.4¢/kg
1207Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, whether or not broken:
1208Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits, other than those of mustard:
1209.22Clover (Trifolium spp.) seed:
1209.25.00Rye grass (Lolium multiflorium Lam., Lolium perenne L.) seed1.4¢/kgFree (A+,AU,BH, CA,CL,D,E,IL,J, JO,MA,MX,P,SG)6.6¢/kg
1214Rutabagas (swedes), mangolds, fodder roots, hay, alfalfa (lucerne), clover, sainfoin, forage kale, lupines, vetches and similar forage products, whether or not in the form of pellets:
1301Lac; natural gums, resins, gum-resins and oleoresins (for example, balsams):
1301.90.4000Turpentine gum (oleoresinous exudate from living trees)kg1.3%Free (A,AU,BH,CA, CL,E,IL,J,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)5%
1503.00.0000Lard stearin, lard oil, oleostearin, oleo-oil and tallow oil, not emulsified or mixed or otherwise preparedkg2¢/kgFree (A+,AU,BH, CA,CL,D,E,IL,J, JO,MA,MX,P,SG)8.8¢/kg
1505.00Wool grease and fatty substances derived therefrom (including lanolin):
1505.00.1000Wool grease, crudekg1.3¢/kgFree (A,AU,BH,CA, CL,E,IL,J,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)9.5¢/kg
1509Olive oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified:
1510.00Other oils and their fractions, obtained solely from olives, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified, includ- ing blends of these oils and fractions with oils or fractions of heading 1509:
1512.21.0000Crude oil, whether or not gossypol has been removedkg5.6¢/kgFree (A+,AU,BH, CA,D,E,IL,J,JO, MA,MX,P) 2.1¢/kg (SG) 2.1¢/kg (CL)6.6¢/kg
1514Rapeseed, colza or mustard oil, and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified:
1514.11.0000Low erucic acid rape or colza oil and its fractions:
1514.91.9010Rape or colza oil and its fractionskg
1514.99.5010Rape or colza oil and its fractionskg
1514.99.9010Rape or colza oil and its fractionskg
1516Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinized, whether or not refined, but not further prepared:
1517.90.1040Wholly of vegetable oilskg
1517.90.2040Wholly of vegetable oilskg
1517.90.9025Soybean oil, wholly hydrogenatedkg
1517.90.9085Cottonseed oil, wholly hydrogenatedkg


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