
美国HTS 编码(美国海关关税编码)  
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通常 特别
9801.00.3000Any aircraft engine or propeller, or any part or accessory of either, previously imported, with respect to which the duty was paid upon such previous importation, if (1) reimported without having been advanced in value or improved in condition by any process of manufacture or other means while abroad, after having been exported under loan, lease or rent to an aircraft owner or operator as a temporary replacement for an aircraft engine being overhauled, repaired, rebuilt or reconditioned in the United States, and (2) reimported by or for the account of the person who exported it from the United StatesXFreeFree
9801.00.9000Animals, domesticated, straying across the boundary line into any foreign country, or driven across such boundary line by the owner for temporary pasturage purpose only, together with their offspring; all the foregoing if brought back to the United States within 8 monthsNo.FreeFree
9818.00.0300Spare repair parts or materials (other than nets or nettings) which the owner or master of a vessel certifies are intended for use aboard a cargo vessel, for installation or use on such vessel, as needed, in the United States, at sea, or in a foreign country, but only if duty is or has been paid under this schedule upon first entry into the United States of each such spare part or material purchased in, or imported from, a foreign countryXFree50 percent of the cost of such parts or materials


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