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HTS 编码后 缀 商品描述 数量单位 完税税率
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通常 特别
2106.90.4200Syrups derived from cane or beet sugar, containing added coloring but not added flavoring matter:
2106.90.4800Fruit or vegetable juices, fortified with vitamins or minerals:
2106.90.5200Juice of any single fruit or vegetablelitersThe rate applicable to the natural juice in heading 2009Free (BH,CL,E,IL, J,JO,MA,MX,P, SG) The rate applicable to the natural juice in heading 2009 (A,AU,CA)The rate applicable to the natural juice in heading 2009
2106.90.6800Blended syrups described in additional U.S. note 4 to chapter 17:
2106.90.8900Blended syrups described in additional U.S. note 4 to chapter 17:
2202Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavored, and other nonalcoholic beverages, not including fruit or vegetable juices of heading 2009:
2202.90.3000Fruit or vegetable juices, fortified with vitamins or minerals:
2202.90.3600Juice of any single fruit or vegetablelitersThe rate applicable to the natural juice in heading 2009Free (BH,CA, CL,E,IL,J,JO, MA,MX,P,SG) The rate applicable to the natural juice in heading 2009 (A*,AU)The rate applicable to the natural juice in heading 2009
2206.00.3000Prune wineliters pf.liters3.1¢/liter + 22.1¢/pf. liter on ethyl alcohol contentFree (A+,AU,BH, CA,CL,D,E,IL, J,MA,MX,P,SG) 1.8¢/liter + 13.2¢/pf. liter on ethyl alcohol content (JO)18.5¢/ liter + $1.32/pf. liter on ethyl alcohol content
2208.40Rum and other spirits obtained by distilling fermented sugar-cane products:
2301Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, unfit for human consumption; greaves (cracklings):
2301.20.00Flours, meals and pellets, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebratesFreeFree
2302.40.0110Of other single cereal grains, chopped, crushed or groundt
2308.00.9820Citrus pulp pelletst
2503.00.0010Crude or unrefined sulfurt
2506.20.0010Crude or roughly trimmedt
2513Pumice; emery; natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives, whether or not heat-treated:
2513.10.0010Crude or in irregular pieces, including crushed pumicekg
2513.20Emery, natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives:
2513.20.1000Crude or in irregular pieceskgFreeFree
2515.11.0000Crude or roughly trimmedm3 tFree$22.95/m3
2516.11.0000Crude or roughly trimmedm3 tFree$8.83/m3
2516.20.1000Crude or roughly trimmedm3 tFree$5.30/m3
2517Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, of a kind commonly used for concrete aggregates, for road metalling, or for railway or other ballast; shingle and flint, whether or not heat-treated; macadam of slag, dross or similar industrial waste, whether or not incorporating the materials cited in the first part of the heading; tarred macadam; granules, chippings and powder, of stones of heading 2515 or 2516, whether or not heat-treated:


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