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9102.29.25With strap, band or bracelet of textile material or of base metal, whether or not gold- or silver- plated$2.19 each + 4.8% on the case + 11.2% on the strap, band or braceletFree (AU,BH,CA,D, E,IL,J,J+,JO, MA,MX,P,R) 82.1¢/each + 1.8% on the case + 4.2% on the strap, band or bracelet (CL,SG)$4.20 each + 45% on the case + 110% on the strap, band or bracelet
9102.29.2530Strap, band or braceletNo.
9102.29.3030Strap, band or braceletNo.
9102.29.35With strap, band or bracelet of textile material or of base metal, whether or not gold- or silver- plated$1.61 each + 4.2% on the case + 9.8% on the strap, band or braceletFree (AU,BH,CA, CL,D,E,IL,J,J+, JO,MA,MX, P,R,SG)$4.20 each + 45% on the case + 110% on the strap, band or bracelet
9102.29.4030Strap, band or braceletNo.
9102.29.45With strap, band or bracelet of textile material or of base metal, whether or not gold- or silver-plated93¢/each + 4.8% on the case + 11.2% on the strap, band or braceletFree (AU,BH,CA, CL,D,E,IL,J,J+,JO, MA,MX,P, R,SG)$4.20 each + 45% on the case + 110% on the strap, band or bracelet
9102.29.4530Strap, band or braceletNo.
9102.29.5030Strap, band or braceletNo.
9102.29.55With strap, band or bracelet of textile material or of base metal, whether or not gold-or silver-plated$1.55 each + 4.2% on the case + 9.9% on the strap, band or braceletFree (AU,BH,CA, CL,D,E,IL,J,J+,JO, MA,MX,P, R,SG)$10.95 each + 45% on the case + 110% on the strap, band or bracelet
9102.29.5530Strap, band or braceletNo.
9102.29.6030Strap, band or braceletNo.
9113Watch straps, watch bands and watch bracelets, and parts thereof:
9113.20.2000Straps, bands and bracelets:
9801.00.9000Animals, domesticated, straying across the boundary line into any foreign country, or driven across such boundary line by the owner for temporary pasturage purpose only, together with their offspring; all the foregoing if brought back to the United States within 8 monthsNo.FreeFree
9806.00.35Upon the request of the Department of State, personal effects and equipment of groups or delegations of foreign residents arriving in the United States on goodwill visits of short duration to participate in patriotic celebrations, festivals and other demonstrations of public interest and which will be exported or destroyed at the conclusion of the visitFreeFree
9808.00.4000Articles for the General Services Administration:
9808.00.4000Materials certified by it to the Commissioner of Customs to be strategic and critical materials procured under the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act (50 U.S.C. 98-98h)FreeFree
9808.00.7000Materials certified by it to the Commissioner of Customs to be strategic materials acquired by that agency as a result of barter or exchange of agricultural commodities or productsFreeFree
9808.00.8000Articles for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and articles imported to implement international programs between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and foreign entities, including launch services agreements:
9808.00.8000Goods certified by it to the Commissioner of Customs to be imported for the use of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or for the implementation of an international program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, including articles to be launched into space and parts thereof, ground support equipment and uniquely associated equipment for use in connection with an international program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, including launch services agreementsFreeFree
9813.00.15Articles imported by illustrators and photographers for use solely as models in their own establishments, in the illustrating of catalogues, pamphlets or advertising mattersFree, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 1 to this subchapterFree (AU,BH,CA, CL,IL,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)Free, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 1 to this subchapter
9813.00.70Works of the free fine arts, engravings, photographic pictures and philosophical and scientific apparatus brought into the United States by professional artists, lecturers or scientists arriving from abroad for use by them for exhibition and in illustration, promotion and encouragement of art, science or industry in the United StatesFree, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 1 to this subchapterFree (AU,BH,CA, CL,IL,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)Free, under bond, as prescribed in U.S. note 1 to this subchapter
9817.00.4800Patterns and wall charts; globes; mock-ups or visualizations of abstract concepts such as molecular structures or mathematical formulae; materials for programmed instruction; and kits containing printed materials and audio materials or any combination of two or more of the foregoingXFreeFree
9822.02.03Imports from Chile, in an aggregate annual quantity not to exceed 1,000,000 SME, of cotton or man-made fiber apparel goods or apparel goods subject to cotton or man-made fiber restraints provided for in U.S. note 5 to this subchapter that are both cut (or knit to shape) and sewn or otherwise assembled in Chile from fabric or yarn produced or obtained outside the territory of Chile or of the United StatesFree (CL)
9822.03.02Imports from Morocco, in an aggregate quantity not to exceed an annual quantity of 1,067,257 kilograms, of textile or apparel goods provided for in U.S. note 7 to this subchapter Goods of Australia, under the terms of general note 28 to the tariff schedule:Free (MA)


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