9804.00.25 | | Not over 50 cigars, or 200 cigarettes, or 2 kilograms of smoking tobacco or a proportionate amount of each, and not over 1 liter of alcoholic beverages, when brought in by an adult nonresident for his own consumption | | Free | | Free |
9804.00.45 | | Articles imported by or for the account of any person arriving in the United States who is a returning resident thereof (including American citizens who are residents of American Samoa, Guam or the Virgin Islands of the United States): | | | | |
9804.00.45 | | All personal and household effects taken abroad by him or for his account | | Free | | Free |
9804.00.50 | | Articles of metal (including medals, trophies and prizes), bestowed upon him abroad, as honorary distinctions, by foreign countries or citizens of foreign countries | | Free | | Free |
9804.00.65 | | Articles, accompanying a person, not over $800 in aggregate fair retail value in the country of acquisition, including (but only in the case of an individual who has attained the age of 21) not more than 1 liter of alcoholic beverages and including not more than 200 cigarettes and 100 cigars | | Free | | Free |
9804.00.70 | | Articles whether or not accompanying a person, not over $1600 in aggregate fair market value in the country of acquisition, including: (a) but only in the case of an individual who has attained the age of 21, not more than 5 liters of alcoholic beverages, not more than 1 liter of which shall have been acquired elsewhere than in American Samoa, Guam or the Virgin Islands of the United States, and not more than 4 liters of which shall have been produced elsewhere than in such insular possessions, and (b) not more than 1,000 cigarettes, not more than 200 of which shall have been acquired elsewhere than in such insular possessions, and not more than 100 cigars, if such person arrives directly or indirectly from such insular possessions, not more than $800 of which shall have been acquired elsewhere than in such insular possessions (but this subheading does not permit the entry of articles not accompanying a person which were acquired elsewhere than in such insular possessions) | | Free | | Free |
9804.00.72 | | Articles whether or not accompanying a person, not over $800 in aggregate fair market value in the country of acquisition, including¡é/(a) but only in the case of an individual who has attained the age of 21, not more than 1 liter of alcoholic beverages or not more than 2 liters if at least one liter is the product of one or more beneficiary countries, and (b) not more than 200 cigarettes, and not more than 100 cigars, if such person arrives directly from a beneficiary country (but this item does not permit the entry of articles not accompanying a person which were acquired elsewhere than in beneficiary countries) | | Free | | Free |
9804.00.80 | | Articles (including not over 50 cigars, or 300 cigarettes, or 2 kilograms of smoking tobacco or a proportionate amount of each, and not over 1 liter of alcoholic beverages), reasonable and appropriate, and intended exclusively, for the bona fide personal use of, and (except for articles consumed in use) to be taken out of the United States by, any person arriving in the United States who is leaving a vessel, vehicle or aircraft, engaged in international traffic, on which he is employed, with the intention of resuming such employment | | Free | | Free |
9806.00.05 | | Upon the request of the Department of State, ambassadors, ministers, charge d'affaires, secretaries, counselors, attaches and other representatives, officers and employees of foreign governments, accredited to the United States or en route to or from other countries to which accredited, and their immediate families, suites and servants | | Free | | Free |
9806.00.20 | | Persons on duty in the United States as members of the armed forces of any foreign country and their immediate families | | Free | | Free |
9806.00.45 | | Members of the armed forces of any foreign country | | Free | | Free |
9807.00.40 | | Articles of metal (including medals, trophies and prizes), for bestowal on persons in the United States, as honorary distinctions, by foreign countries or citizens of foreign countries | | Free | | Free |
9807.00.50 | | Upon the request of the Department of State, articles from citizens of foreign countries for presentation to the President or Vice President of the United States | | Free | | Free |
9809.00.10 | | Public documents, whether or not in the form of microfilm, microfiches, or similar film media (including exposed and developed motion picture and other films, recorded video tapes and sound recordings) issued essentially at the instance and expense of a foreign government, of a political subdivision of a foreign country or of an international organization the membership of which includes two or more foreign countries | | Free | | Free |
9809.00.30 | | Articles for the official use of members of the armed forces of any foreign country on duty in the United States | | Free | | Free |
9811.00.60 | | Any sample (except samples covered by heading 9811.00.20 or 9811.00.40), valued not over $1 each, or marked, torn, perforated or otherwise treated so that it is unsuitable for sale or for use otherwise than as a sample, to be used in the United States only for soliciting orders for products of foreign countries | | Free | | Free |
9815.00.20 | 00 | Products of American fisheries (including fish, shellfish and other marine animals, spermaceti and marine animal oils), which have not been landed in a foreign country, or which, if so landed, have been landed solely for transshipment without change in condition | kg | Free | | Free |
9815.00.40 | 00 | Fish (except cod, cusk, haddock, hake, mackerel, pollock and swordfish), the product of American fisheries, landed in a foreign country and there processed by removal of heads, viscera or fins, or by chilling or freezing, or by any combination of these processes, but not otherwise processed | kg | Free | | Free |
9816.00.20 | | Articles for personal or household use, or as bona fide gifts, not imported for the account of another person, valued in the aggregate at not over $1,000 fair retail value in the country of acquisition, if the person claiming the benefit of subheading 9816.00.20 or 9816.00.40, or both, has not received the benefits thereof within the 30 days immediately preceding his arrival: | | | | |
9816.00.40 | | Imported by or for the account of a person (whether or not accompanying him) arriving directly or indirectly from American Samoa, Guam or the Virgin Islands of the United States, acquired in such insular possessions as an incident of such person's physical presence | | 1.5 percent of the fair retail value | Free (BH,CA,IL, JO,MA,MX,P) 0.7 percent of the fair retail value (CL,SG) | 2 percent of the fair retail value |
9817.60.00 | 00 | Any of the following articles not intended for sale or distribution to the public: personal effects of aliens who are participants in, officials of, or accredited members of delegations to, an international athletic event held in the United States, such as the Olympics and Paralympics, the Goodwill Games, the Special Olympics World Games, the World Cup Soccer Games, or any similar international athletic event as the Secretary of the Treasury may determine, and of persons who are immediate family members of or servants to any of the foregoing persons; equipment and materials imported in connection with any such foregoing event by or on behalf of the foregoing persons or the organizing committee of such an event, articles to be used in exhibitions depicting the culture of a country participating in such an event; and, if consistent with the foregoing, such other articles as the Secretary of the Treasury may allow | X | Free | | Free |
9817.82.01 | | Mounted tool and drill bit blanks of polycrystalline diamond (provided for in subheadings 8207.19.60, 8207.50.40 or 8207.50.80) and mounted tool blanks of polycrystalline diamond (provided for in subheadings 8207.70.60, 8207.80.60, 8207.90.45 or 8207.90.75 | | Free | | The rate applicable in the absence of this heading |
9818.00.01 | 00 | Equipments, or any part thereof, including boats, purchased for, or the repair parts or materials to be used, or the expenses of repairs made in a foreign country upon, a vessel described in U.S. note 1 to this subchapter: | | | | |
9818.00.01 | 00 | Any equipment, or any part of equipment, purchased for, or the repair parts or materials employed in, or the expense of repairs made in a foreign country with respect to, a LASH (Lighter Aboard Ship) barge utilized as a cargo container, upon first arrival of such barge in any port of the United States | X | Free | | 50 percent of the cost of such goods or repairs |
9818.00.03 | 00 | Spare repair parts or materials (other than nets or nettings) which the owner or master of a vessel certifies are intended for use aboard a cargo vessel, for installation or use on such vessel, as needed, in the United States, at sea, or in a foreign country, but only if duty is or has been paid under this schedule upon first entry into the United States of each such spare part or material purchased in, or imported from, a foreign country | X | Free | | 50 percent of the cost of such parts or materials |