
美国HTS 编码(美国海关关税编码)  
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HTS 编码后 缀 商品描述 数量单位 完税税率
1 2
通常 特别
1604.13.4000In immediate containers weighing with their contents under 225 grams eachkgFree25%
1605.90.1000Boiled clams, whether whole, minced or chopped, and whether or not salted, but not otherwise prepared or preserved, in immediate containers, the contents of each container not exceeding 680 grams gross weightkg10%Free (A,AU,BH,CA, CL,E,IL,J,JO,MA, MX,P) 3.7% (SG)110%
5801.25.0010Over 271 grams per square meter (224)m2 kg
5801.35.0010Over 271 grams per square meter (224)m2 kg
6001.91.0010Over 271 grams per square meter (224)m2 kg
6001.92.0010Over 271 grams per square meter:
7019.51.9010Weighing 185 grams or less per square meter (622)m2 kg
7019.52.4010Weighing 185 grams or less per square meter (622)m2 kg
7019.52.4021Weighing more than 215 grams per square meter, with a filament diameter of 7 to 13 microns (622)m2 kg
7019.52.9010Weighing 185 grams or less per square meter (622)m2 kg
7019.52.9021Weighing more than 215 grams per square meter, with a filament diameter of 7 to 13 microns (622)m2 kg
7019.59.4010Weighing 185 grams or less per square meter (622)m2 kg
7019.59.4021Weighing more than 215 grams per square meter, with a filament diameter of 7 to 13 microns (622)m2 kg
7019.59.9010Weighing 185 grams or less per square meter (622)m2 kg
7019.59.9021Weighing more than 215 grams per square meter, with a filament diameter of 7 to 13 microns (622)m2 kg
9802.00.8016Articles eligible pursuant to bilateral textile agreements for entry under the Outward Processing Programs and entered in compliance with procedures established by the Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements (CITA)
9804.00.25Not over 50 cigars, or 200 cigarettes, or 2 kilograms of smoking tobacco or a proportionate amount of each, and not over 1 liter of alcoholic beverages, when brought in by an adult nonresident for his own consumptionFreeFree
9804.00.80Articles (including not over 50 cigars, or 300 cigarettes, or 2 kilograms of smoking tobacco or a proportionate amount of each, and not over 1 liter of alcoholic beverages), reasonable and appropriate, and intended exclusively, for the bona fide personal use of, and (except for articles consumed in use) to be taken out of the United States by, any person arriving in the United States who is leaving a vessel, vehicle or aircraft, engaged in international traffic, on which he is employed, with the intention of resuming such employmentFreeFree
9808.00.8000Articles for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and articles imported to implement international programs between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and foreign entities, including launch services agreements:
9811.00.40Samples of tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes (each sample consisting of not more than (a) 3 cigars, (b) 3 cigarettes, (c) 3.5 grams of tobacco, (d) 3.5 grams of snuff, (e) 3 cigarette tubes or (f) 25 cigarette papers) to be used in the United States only for soliciting orders by persons importing tobacco products, cigarette papers or cigarette tubes in commercial quantitiesFreeFree
9817.00.4200Holograms for laser projection; microfilm, microfiches and similar articlesXFreeFree
9822.03.02Imports from Morocco, in an aggregate quantity not to exceed an annual quantity of 1,067,257 kilograms, of textile or apparel goods provided for in U.S. note 7 to this subchapter Goods of Australia, under the terms of general note 28 to the tariff schedule:Free (MA)


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