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9819.11.33Textile articles classifiable under chapters 50 through 60, inclusive, or chapter 63 of the tariff schedule, the foregoing articles that are products of a lesser developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African country (as defined in U.S. note 2(d) to this subchapter) and are wholly formed in one or more such countries from fibers, yarns, fabrics, fabric components or components knit-to-shape that are the product of one or more such countriesFree
9819.15.10Apparel articles of chapter 61 or 62, wholly assembled, or knit-to-shape and wholly assembled, or both, in one or more lesser developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries enumerated in U.S. note 2(d) to this subchapter and of a type described in U.S. note 5 to this subchapter, if entered under the terms of such note:
9819.15.15Of the first fabric or yarn which the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined is produced in beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries in commercial quantities for use by lesser-developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries, and specified in a notice published in the Federal RegisterFree
9819.15.18Of the second fabric or yarn which the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined is produced in beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries in commercial quantities for use by lesser-developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries, and specified in a notice published in the Federal RegisterFree
9819.15.21Of the third fabric or yarn which the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined is produced in beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries in commercial quantities for use by lesser-developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries, and specified in a notice published in the Federal RegisterFree
9819.15.24Of the fourth fabric or yarn which the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined is produced in beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries in commercial quantities for use by lesser-developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries, and specified in a notice published in the Federal RegisterFree
9819.15.27Of the fifth fabric or yarn which the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined is produced in beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries in commercial quantities for use by lesser-developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries, and specified in a notice published in the Federal RegisterFree
9819.15.30Of the sixth fabric or yarn which the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined is produced in beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries in commercial quantities for use by lesser-developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries, and specified in a notice published in the Federal RegisterFree
9819.15.33Of the seventh fabric or yarn which the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined is produced in beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries in commercial quantities for use by lesser-developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries, and specified in a notice published in the Federal RegisterFree
9819.15.36Of the eighth fabric or yarn which the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined is produced in beneficiarysub-Saharan African countries in commercial quantities for use by lesser-developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries, and specified in a notice published in the Federal RegisterFree
9819.15.39Of the ninth fabric or yarn which the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined is produced in beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries in commercial quantities for use by lesser-developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries, and specified in a notice published in the Federal RegisterFree
9819.15.42Of the tenth fabric or yarn which the U.S. International Trade Commission has determined is produced in beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries in commercial quantities for use by lesser-developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries, and specified in a notice published in the Federal RegisterFree
9820.61.25Apparel articles (other than goods described in heading 9820.61.30 or 9820.62.05) described in U.S. note 6(c) to this subchapter and imported directly from Haiti during an applicable 1-year period specified in U.S. note 6(b)(ii) to this subchapter, subject to the limitations provided in U.S. note 6(g) to this subchapterFree
9820.61.30Apparel articles (other than goods described in heading 9820.61.25 or 9820.62.05) described in U.S. note 6(e) to this subchapter and imported directly from Haiti during an applicable 1-year period specified in U.S. note 6(b)(ii) to this subchapter, subject to the limitations provided in U.S. note 6(g) to this subchapterFree
9820.62.12Brassieres of subheading 6212.10, under the terms of U.S. note 6(i) to this subchapter, the foregoing imported directly from Haiti during an applicable 1-year period specified in U.S. note 6(b)(ii) to this subchapter, subject to the limitations provided in U.S. note 6(g) to this subchapterFree


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