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通常 特别
4301.60.3000Of silver, black or platinum fox (including those of any fox which is a mutation, or type developed, from silver, black or platinum foxes)No.5.1%Free (A,AU,BH,CA, CL,E,IL,J,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)50%
4302.19.1500Of silver, black or platinum fox (including those of any fox which is a mutation, or type developed, from silver, black or platinum foxes)No.5.6%Free (A,AU,BH,CA, CL,E,IL,J,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)50%
4403.20.0020Pine (Pinus spp.):
4403.20.0020Southern yellow pine (Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda)), long leaf pine (Pinus palustris), pitch pine (Pinus rigida), short leaf pine (Pinus echinada), slash pine (Pinus elliottii) and Virginia pine (Pinus virginiana)m3
4403.20.0025Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa)m3
4403.99.0040Of ash (Fraxinus spp.)m3
4407.10.0142Eastern white pine (Pinus Strobus) and red pine (Pinus resinosa):
4407.10.0144Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta):
4407.10.0146Southern yellow pine (Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda)), long leaf pine (Pinus palustris), pitch pine (Pinus rigida), short leaf pine (Pinus echinata), slash pine (Pinus elliottii) and Virginia pine (Pinus virginiana):
4407.10.0148Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa):
4407.95.0000Of ash (Fraxinus spp.)m3Free$1.27/m3
4408.90.0105Ash (Fraxinus spp.)m2
4408.90.0156Ash (Fraxinus spp.)m2
4409Wood (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled) continuously shaped (tongued, grooved, re- bated, chamfered, V-jointed, beaded, molded, rounded or the like) along any of its edges, ends or faces, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed:
4409.10.0500Wood continuously shaped along any of its ends, whether or not also continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces, all the foregoing whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointedm33.2%Free (A,AU,BH,CA, CL,E,IL,J,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)33 1/3%
4409.10.40Pine (Pinus spp.)Free5%
4409.21.0500Wood continuously shaped along any of its ends, whether or not also continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces, all the foregoing whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointedm33.2%Free (A,AU,BH,CA, CL,E,IL,J,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)33 1/3%
4409.29.05Wood continuously shaped along any of its ends, whether or not also continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces, all the foregoing whether or no planed, sanded or end-jointed3.2%Free (A,AU,BH,CA, CL,E,IL,J,JO,MA, MX,P,SG)33 1/3%
4411.12.2000Tongued, grooved or rabbetted continuously along any of its edges and dedicated for use in the construction of walls, ceilings or other parts of buildings:
4411.13.2000Tongued, grooved or rabbetted continuously along any of its edges and dedicated for use in the construction of walls, ceilings or other parts of buildings:
4411.14.2000Tongued, grooved or rabbetted continuously along any of its edges and dedicated for use in the construction of walls, ceilings or other parts of buildings:
4411.92.3000Tileboard which has been continuously worked along any of its edges and is dedicated for use in the construction of walls, ceilings or other parts of buildingsm3Free20%
4411.93.2000Tongued, grooved or rabbetted continuously along any of its edges and dedicated for use in the construction of walls, ceilings or other parts of buildings:
4412.39.3000With a face ply of European red pine (Pinus silvestris)m33.4%Free (A*,AU,BH, CA,CL,E,IL,J,JO, MA,MX,P,SG)40%
4412.39.4031With at least one outer ply of long leaf pine (Pinus palustris), short leaf pine (Pinusechinata), southern yellow pine (loblolly pine)(Pinus taeda), slash pine (Pinus elliotti), pitch pine (Pinus rigida) or Virginia pine (Pinus virginiana):


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