2921.46.00 | 00 | Amfetamine (INN), benzfetamine (INN), dexamfetamine (INN), etilamfetamine (INN), fencamfamin (INN), lefetamine (INN), levamfetamine (INN), mefenorex (INN) and phentermine (INN); salts thereof | kg | Free | | 15.4¢/kg + 149.5% |
2933.41.00 | 00 | Levorphanol (INN) and its salts | kg | Free | | 15.4¢/kg + 67.5% |
2937.40.10 | 00 | l-Thyroxine (Levothyroxine), sodium | kg | Free | | 15.4¢/kg + 49% |
2939.91.00 | 00 | Cocaine, ecgonine, levometamfetamine, metamfetamine (INN), metamfetamine racemate; salts, esters and other derivatives thereof | kg | Free | | 25% |
3926.90.96 | 00 | Casing for bicycle derailleur cables; and Casing for cable or inner wire for caliper and cantilever brakes, whether or not cut to length | kg | Free | | 25% |
7011.20.85 | 10 | Front panels for cathode-ray television picture tubes, including video monitor tubes, color, non-projection: | | | | |
7326.90.25 | 00 | Cable or inner wire for caliper and cantilever brakes and casing therefor, whether or not cut to length | kg | Free | | 45% |
8413 | | Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a measuring device; liquid elevators; part thereof: | | | | |
8413.81.00 | | Other pumps; liquid elevators: | | | | |
8413.82.00 | 00 | Liquid elevators | No. | Free | | 35% |
8413.92.00 | 00 | Of liquid elevators | X | Free | | 35% |
8428 | | Other lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery (for example, elevators, escalators, conveyors, teleferics): | | | | |
8428.10.00 | 00 | Passenger or freight elevators other than continuous action; skip hoists | No. | Free | | 35% |
8428.20.00 | | Pneumatic elevators and conveyors | | Free | | 35% |
8428.20.00 | 50 | Elevators | No. | | | |
8428.31.00 | 00 | Other continuous-action elevators and conveyors, for goods or materials: | | | | |
8429 | | Self-propelled bulldozers, angledozers, graders, levelers, scrapers, mechanical shovels, excavators, shovel loaders, tamping machines and road rollers: | | | | |
8429.20.00 | 00 | Graders and levelers | No. | Free | | 35% |
8430 | | Other moving, grading, leveling, scraping, excavating, tamping, compacting, extracting or boring machinery, for earth, minerals or ores; pile-drivers and pile-extractors; snowplows and snowblowers: | | | | |
8431.31.00 | | Of passenger or freight elevators other than continuous action, skip hoists or escalators | | Free | | 35% |
8431.39.00 | 10 | Of elevators and conveyors | X | | | |
8481.80.90 | 15 | Regulator valves, self-operating, for controlling variables such as temperature, pressure, flow and liquid level | No. | | | |
8525 | | Transmission apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, whether or not incorporating reception apparatus or sound recording or reproducing apparatus; television cameras, digital cameras and video camera recorders: | | | | |
8525.50.10 | 00 | Television: | | | | |
8525.50.30 | 15 | Apparatus for the reception of television signals relayed by television satellite | No. | | | |