4802.40.00 | 00 | Wallpaper base (hanging paper) | kg | Free | | 10% |
4814 | | Wallpaper and similar wallcoverings; window transparen- cies of paper: | | | | |
4814.20.00 | 00 | Wallpaper and similar wallcoverings, consisting of paper coated or covered, on the face side, with a grained, embossed, colored, design-printed or otherwise decorated layer of plastics | kg | Free | | 3.3¢/kg + 20% |
5701.10.13 | 00 | In which the pile was hand-inserted or hand-knotted during weaving or knitting, with over 50 percent by weight of the pile being hair of the alpaca, guanaco, huarizo, llama, misti, suri or any combination of these hairs: | | | | |
9821.11.04 | | Fabrics or fabric components formed or compo- nents knit-to-shape in one or more such countries, from yarns wholly formed in one or more such countries, if such fabrics (including fabrics not formed from yarns, if such fabrics are classifiable in heading 5602 or 5603 of the tariff schedule and are formed in one or more such countries) or components are in chief value of llama, alpaca or vicu馻 | | | Free | |