Yarn Count Converter, Textile & Fabric Measurement Conversions
A converter for unit of
textile/fabric and textile yarns.You can easily do many kinds of conversions of Nm to Tex, Ne to Tex, Tex to Denier, kilogram to pound, metre to yard, and GSM to ounce per square yard etc.
The converter can be used to convert between the
following list of measurement units of textile/Fabric in wool, cotton, silk, chemical fiber and linen.
Yarn Counts Denier,
Tex, Decitex(dtex), Nm(N), Ne(S), Micronaire value, Linen(wet or dry spun), Worsted Spun, Woolen spun(Philadelphia system), Woolen spun(West of England), Woolen spun(Yorkshire), Woolen spun(Galashiels cut), Woolen spun(Hawick), Woolen spun(American Run), Asbestos(English), Asbestos(American), Typp, Woolen spun(American Cut), Glass (UK & USA), Cotton bump yarn, Woollen spun(Irish), Woollen spun(Alloa)
and Woollen spun(Dewsbury). The yarn count number indicates the length of yarn in relation to the weight,it expresses the thickness of the yarn, and three systems of yarn count are currently in use:
the fixed length, the fixed weight and the Tex systems.
Length metre, centimetre, yard, foot, inch, city inch(China), city foot(China), city zhang(China).
Weight/Mass kilogram, gram, pound(avoirdupois), ounce(avoirdupois), grain(avoirdupois), catty(China), tael(China)
and tsin(China).
Force newton, kilogram-force(kilopond; grave-force), pound-force, gram-force, millinewton, dekanewton
and kilonewton.
Pressure Pascal(newton
per square meter), Pounds per square inch, kilogram per square
centimeter, kilogram per square meter, pound per square foot and newton per square centimeter.
Surface Density gram per square meter(GSM), momme(mm) and ounce per spuare yard.
Top Use: Yarn Counts conversion-Tex to Ne(S)
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